Brother TS turned me on to a site featuring a story about the plans SONY has to not make a Spider-Man four with the team that made the first three films. Instead they what to go back to the beginning and try to capture lighting in a bottle again. Is there anyone out there that thinks this is a good idea?
We waited 20 or more years before the technology was available to make us all believe that a man could swing from building to building in the big city of New York. I have such fond memories of the first time I saw the first Spider-Man that it angers me that anyone would try to mess with that. I am afraid I am taking this decision way too personally.
I was about five people from the ticket counter when the early show was sold out on opening day. I was already pissed that my friends all ditched me with lame excuses like the theatre will be too crowded on the first day. To see myself get that close was a double body blow. However, the manager gathered a few of us up and gave us free passes and told us to come to the next showing at 9 and he would make sure we got in first. He was as good as his word. I ended up sitting beside a kid who must have been all of 15. He was with a girl who was totally out of his league and was scared shitless about what to say to her. I helped him break the ice and the three of us were laughing in a few minutes. I totally played wingman and made him look cool. She totally bought it.
Then people started calling out "I am Spider-Man", "No I am Spider-Man" Suddenly this kid who must have been easily 300 pounds got up and yelled I AM SPIDER-MAN and started running down the aisle towards the screen. I knew that once he got that train a going that like the Juggernaut, nothing was going to stop him but a wall. When he REACHED the wall he leaped and did a full body plant against the wall before crashing to the floor. I admit we all though he was dead for a moment but then he sprang to life and got a huge cheer. And the cheering didn't stop there. At all the right places the audience cheered, especially at the end when Toby said..."Who am I? I am SPIDER-MAN". It was the most fun I had with an audience at a movie ever.
Spider-Man 2 also was a memorable experience for me. When Aunt May gives her speech to Peter about WHY people NEED heroes I just lost my shit and couldn't hold back the tears. It was everything I believed about the superheroes I loved so much. That speech just touched my SOUL. The girl I was with asked me if I was crying and I replied to her that she didn't have a heart if she didn't. Turns out she really didn't have a heart. The bitch. But that is a story for another day.
So you see how much I hate this decision from Sony. That corporation can kiss my ass, sit on an overturned bar stool and spin. Fuck you Sony.
"The breaking news from Deadline Hollywood is that Spider-Man 4 is gone. Canceled. Good-bye. And Sam Raimi is gone as well. Apparently he told the folks at Sony he couldn't make their deadlines and they told him sayonara. But wait! It gets worse: Sony wants to reboot Spider-Man. Yes, start over. Yes, get rid of Tobey Maguire and everyone else."

i JUST read it's NOT gone*. they're STILL going to do it but without toby and without raimi
so it's as GOOD as gone. no?
Yes...good as gone. They had a freakin' vision that was just right. Sure part 3 was crappy but the spirit was still there. We don't need to go back to the beginning. We need to move forward and adapt a really cool spiderman story like Kraven's Last Hunt.
SONY sucks.
Love the story about your first viewing though. The kid slamming into the wall... that's just funny.
bad, bad! maybe before he had his powers... how about him being born on another planet where his father knew he would be stronger than all the humans and would be able to leap tall buildings, faster than a speeding bullet... wait, what the heck are we talking about?
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