Thursday, January 14, 2010

What I am Hungry For Right Now

I am so craving a bottle of grape pop or orange pop in glass bottles right now. But it would have to be ice, ice, cold.

I also want these peanut butter cups fresh from the freezer.

And a bowl of old school Froot Loops


Wings1295 said...

Combine the three of THOSE and you will have weird dreams, dude!!!

Pearl said...

I'm worried about your sugar intake, Calvin.



vancouver mark said...

Uh, excuse me, but I must call shenanigans.

As an old school guy I can tell you with great authority that "old school fruit loops" don't look like that. Busted, dude. "Old school fruit loops"means you got your red, your orange, and your yellow, and that's it. Three colors, three flavors, from the freakin Permian Period to just a few short years ago. There was an order to the universe, and an order for eating (first you ate the yellow lemony ones, taking your time, then the orange orangish ones, slowly getting soft, then and only then the succulent red cherryish ones, softened almost to mushiness and turning the milk pink, oh yeah)

Then in the 1990s with their new age political corectness liberal secular mumbo-jumbo they come in with their green Fruit Loops and their purple Fruit Loops and who knows what else.
They, and late night movie watching, have never been the same since.

And don't get me started on Count Fucking Chocula...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

My poor Mark, do I want to say you KNOW your Fruit Loops or your ARE a Fruit this case both are true.