Sunday, February 14, 2010

Crap Olympics?

Okay, we killed a guy. The indoor torch barely worked. There is no snow in Vancouver. The Zamboni broke down. What's next? Not our fault. It's that bad voodoo. Bring in a chicken and some voodoo priestess and we will fix it up lickety split.


Jordan said...

FANTASTIC blog! I'm embarrassed to admit how many hours I just spent poring over it. Serves me right for following a link from a Google image search.

I'll be back here very often! You're into so many of the same things I'm into, including (in no particular order) SCTV, LOST (which will NOT disappoint you as you cruise through the subsequent seasons, BTW), Trek, comics, etc. (all the usual stuff).

Anyway great stuff! I'm delighted to have found this place.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Wow..thanks for that. It's so nice to hear things like that when I put out something that I am proud of. Welcome.

Dr. Monkey said...

These Olympics are rockin' baby.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Don't get me wrong, I am lovin' the Games too. But Jees Louise we could use without the break down of the day. We are not Uzbekistan.

Cora said...

Awwww. There there. It's not so bad.
