Sunday, February 14, 2010

Freakin' Valentine's Day

I can see why someone would want to shoot up his rivals on this day. Even people in relationships hate it. You can never do enough for your girl and like other forced holidays it is never as good as you think it will be. I have never had anyone love me enough to even get me a card besides the ones that EVERYONE was forced to give each other in elementary school. The octopus themed ones are particulary sick. If you give one, you, sir, are sick. So I 'choo choo choose' to give this day the finger...the middle finger...two of them and more of them if I had more fingers.


Robin said...

You too? Only once have I had a good Valentine's day and that was when I was 18. When I was 19 my boyfriend (who later became my husband) went to the bar instead of being with me. We were living together and I was so angry that he chose the bar over me that I broke the phone. He was so mad that I broke the phone that he cheated on me. Twice. I married him because I thought he was the best I could do.

Now I expect nothing on VDay, and I get nothing. My kids don't acknowledge the day to me (only to their current mates), neither does my boyfriend.

Glad it's almost over for another year.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

See, you have THREE boys around you. They should at least do something like get you that crappy chocolate that they KNOW you won't eat just so they can have it for themselves while getting credit for the gesture. That is a male win/win.

Some boyfriend, eh? Sure you aren't 'settling' again?

Wings1295 said...

Happy Valentine's Cal! :)