Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello Kitty - Goodbye Zombie

One of the most important decisions one has to make while putting together one's zombie fighting kit is which chainsaw to use. Some will, of course, want to go with ease of handling, fuel storage or sheer power.

I have made the decision to go with style.

While I do enjoy the up close and personal wet work, I prefer to use the silver handguns with silver bullets to whittle away the hordes. When they start to surround me I may need to switch to a sword for finesse. I fine rapier or razor honed katana is the preferred blade.

However, if it comes down to style and to be remembered you just can't do better than this custom 'Hello Kitty' chainsaw. Charming and cute, it's something you might want to start the kids on before middle school. Its NEVER too early to be prepared. This is easy to accessorize with any prom dress and you would be surprised how many proms end in zombie invasion.

1 comment:

TS Hendrik said...

Good choice. It's practical and will go with all the red you'll be wearing after slicing through a zombie horde.