Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Think She Would Be Good For Him

See, I don't have to be hating all the time on the octopus. I can support these two crazy kids and their love.

Not for me you understand. I mean I got to draw the line SOMEWHERE and anything cephalopod related permanently inked into a girl's body - no matter how cute she may be - just is too much of a leap for me to make. That tattoo would be watching me when I sleep.

Even if she wore a long sleeved shirt I would KNOW it was there. Worse still would be if she didn't tell me straight up and I found out AFTER I started to like her. That's why you gotta have that 'tentacle tattoo' talk before you try to get close to anyone. It's only fair.

It's weird that that is really my only dealbreaker. You can light fires and steal my Mom's car (both have happened) and I will give you a pass.

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