Saturday, February 13, 2010

Quote of the Day - 'Breaking Dawn'

"A werewolf falling in love with a baby. This is why Thomas Edison invented this shit in the first place. So we could see a werewolf fall in love with a baby."

There is no way this writer is serious. No way this is the plotline of the fourth book in the 'Twilight' series because if it is we are ALL, yes ALL going to hell for living on the same planet where this kind of shit is created. What the hell is wrong with the Mormons? Magical underwear I get...but this?


Will said...

Of course David Lynch must direct law passed by the federal government if not by presidential executive order. That's the only was I would see this.

TS Hendrik said...

That's only a piece of the magnificent insanity in the book. Frankly I just love listening to people defend the series. The longer they go on, the harder I laugh.

Nathan said...

Mentally, I'm not sure the Mormons ARE on the same planet. They're on God's homeworld, which orbits the made-up star Kolob.

My word verification is "onstra," which is an anagram of a car security system.