Does anyone else feel that the 'revolution' will eventually come down to a battle between 'FREE THINKERS' and those who are told what to think ('PRE-THINKERS') and who have their beliefs set in stone? These beliefs being used by others who may not necessary have the best interests of everyone at heart? Those who use others to advance a cause or agenda? Ideological 'cannon fodder' if you will pitted against those who are willing to let people find and follow their own path despite how messy that path or choice can often be? Just asking.
You're talking about The Tea Bag Party, aren't you, Calvin?
It's that attitude I am fighting. Following of false idols and stopping to think for oneself. Appropriate that your avatar is from 'They Live'.
I am convinced that Free Thinkers will always be in the minority. The masses are asses.
The funny part is that those touting religion are typically Free Thinkers too. They don't believe the shit they are peddling; they want you to believe it. Cardinal Richelieu is alive and well, and living in America ;-)
Yeh but Richelieu was a incredibly fair and pragmantic person if history is to be believed. I choose to see him as they portrayed him in The Four Muskateers with Charlton Heston playing the part. Being Cardinal was just his way of getting stuff done. The religious side of the title were meaningless to him.
"The religious side of the title were meaningless to him." <-- Exactly
Maybe I should have used Pope Alexander VI/Rodrigo Borgia as a more nefarious example. :-)
My people are the smartest ever. Thanks for reminding me that someone else out there has actually picked up a book in their lives and got some education.
[tips hat]
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