Slick you tentacled bastard, really slick. Toy Story 3? Really? I have no doubt this character will be the funny one, the best buddy one, the one who saves the day at the cost of his life which is JUST the way you'd like it.
It is said to admire your enemy and take pleasure in his success so I have to give you this one. Unfortunately our side doesn't have a mascot since I refused to wear the costume without a cape. That was my mistake. Kudos my friend, kudos. I can see children all over the world embracing your sticky goodness. But tell me...have you thought this through to the end?
Once you get a taste of that fan worship and the love of a small child, how will you ever be able to eat one again? How will you be able to lure them to their death in the murky depth where you lay your bulbous head?
Do you have any idea how venomous and fickle human novelty worship is? Kill ONE child and they will turn on you with a vengeance not seen since that gardener in the Old Testament. You know the one, with a fetish for keeping all his apples to himself?
Just saying, buddy. See you on opening day...bitch.
Cal, I hope you know there are a lot of people in the world who sleep more peacefully, knowing you are always on guard and watching humanity's back against the TENTACLED MONSTER!!!!!!
Oh don't worry. They tried to slip ol' Stretchy by Big Daddy but I caught his scam right quick. Glad to see that you are checking over your shoulder. And although it may be specious reasoning, have YOU been attacked by an octopus lately??? I rest my case.
Maybe he is one of the few good cephalopods? He looks awful friendly, like a dumb puppy!
OMG...you can't just give into the fear and paranoia can you my friend? You would be 'that' guy that gets me killed in every monster movie out there. You are the one who tells me everything will be okay and I believe you and "WHAM" I get the machete right in the head. And YOU live at the end. Don't tell me that you survived because of your sunny disposition. I get the irony and the point.
BTW - The only GOOD cephalopod is a DEAD cephalopod.
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