I found this on my travels last night and at first I just passed it by because there is NOTHING I hate worse in the Golden Age of Comics than heroes who have bare legs.
It always bothered me that when Batman was toasty warm on top of a Gotham skyscraper during the worst of winter, Robin was freezing his nuts off. His cape didn't even go all the way to the ground.
It took until the arrival of Jason Todd for things to at least improve. Tim Drake got it totally right with the cape colored black on the OUTSIDE so you didn't shine like a Christmas ornament with his yellow/red costume. No wonder Robin got kidnapped so often.
Just read the dialog included with this one page of the adventures of Nature Boy. First they messed up by coloring his legs (something annoying as the bare legs themselves). The hipster dialogue makes me believe that despite Buscema's name on the cover that this is a goof - a mock-up that just barely crosses the line to make it unreal for the time it was suppose to have been made. I will leave it to Booksteve to confirm my suspicions.
Until then, enjoy the crap that is 'Nature Boy' and trust me. READ IT OUTLOUD to all your friends. It's a hoot.
One more thing. Why can't the cover colors match the colors inside the book? That is just lazy and sloppy. I just can't stand a so obvious lack of effort.
Got to get me some of that! ROFL
Okay then. At least "Nature Boy" isn't running around naked. That is something, right?
Wings...that's vintage you, always looking for the sunshine through the clouds. I choose to see the stupidity of it all.
It's real, alright. Ran 3 issues around the time DC was reviving their superheroes. Buscema got better but even in these early issues he wasn't bad.
Sorry to break the news.
Gluttons for punishment can dl all 3 issues here: http://comicsworld.wordpress.com/category/natureboy/
I knew you would know. GAH! They would try anything back in those days.
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