Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tron Legacy Trailer

There was a time in my life when I only wanted to live in the world this movie created. I had one of those ring type frisbees and it was never more than 3 feet from me in my backpack at all times just in case I was called in to fight.

We invented a game of tag with frisbees where we scattered several of them around the back yard and you had to run and throw and throw and run and you could only defend yourself with one.

I know there is no way that this can be anything near the original experience but I have high hopes for this one especially with many of the same stars re-appearing.


Unknown said...

i am dancing in my head!

DrGoat said...

A definite must see. I liked the original, saw it in the theater when it first came out. Finally a movie that a re-make was totally appropriate. As opposed to say, Gilligans Island, which should be left alone.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Are you implying Dr Goat that the geniuses in Hollywood would mess up a 'Gilligan's Island' remake? How could they miss? You got an island and a Gilligan. Sounds pretty cut and dry to me.

chunky B said...

It's already looking like it's going to be a Merry Christmas this year! I can't wait ti this is out in theaters and I pray they make little transparent action figures like back in the day!

DrGoat said...

Yes, Cal, they could screw up anything. But OK. You put your fav gal in there (you know who) as Mary Ann, John Rhy-Davies as the skipper, and Gary Oldman as the professor. You tell me who gets to play Gilligan, Thurston Howell (not Donald Trump) and Lovey and Ginger.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well Goldman is a bit intense for all this disney ness and might just say 'Say Hello To Oblivion' like he did in my fav lost in space.

Mary - Selena
Ginger - Mylie Cryrus - who can do spoiled actress (but not if oscar telecast has anything to say about it.)
Gilligan - Justin Beaber or who ever he is so when the Skipper slaps him around I will love it.
Skipper - someone crazy but black like Carl Weathers like in Happy Gilmore or Ving Rhames
Professor - Bill Nye The Science Guy
John Rivers/James Galdolfina as the Howels

DrGoat said...

John Rivers/James Galdolfina as the Howels. ABSOLUTELY. Ha.
But maybe Mr. T as skipper?
OK, Ving Rhames.