Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Typical Week At The Cave Of Cool

We here at the 'C of C' don't like to toot our own horn. Most of the work we do fighting the myriad of menaces threatening the Earth both above and below the sea goes unheralded or unnoticed. It is for this reason that I open the scrapbook and show off some of what goes on in any average week for Team Cool.

Monday - AM - Doctor X calls me from his maximum security cell at Pelican Bay, CA to inform me of the impending missile of doom that he will be launching from the future to destroy the past. He tells me that my time platform is the only thing that will be able to transport us to the exact moment in the past we will need to be to stop the launch of the missile. Since only he has the required codes to both enter and then shut down the time missile, I must bring him with me. I realize its a trap but I also have no choice.

Using our time portal we return to the year 1968, to a time before half his body was destroyed in a volcano accident, requiring his damaged tissue to be replaced by robotic parts. He, however, is still as dangerous as he ever was. I was unaware of the contingency plants he has set up all those years ago and he was able to have his Dark Soldiers waiting for us. Caught off guard he devastated the Arctic Cave of Cool before using the time platform to escape, leaving me to die.

Trapped in 1968 I spent the next several years gathering allies and mystical artifacts around me for I knew that time is fluid and if I planned it just right, could be where I needed to be to end this danger to the planet once and for all. In the guise of the 'White Panther' I found both the drug money to fund my plans and the fighting skills to train an army.

Finally fully financed and trained we sought out the missing military time vessel, the Nautilus to gather the technology we would needed to repair our time platform. Getting those materials from the ship trapped in ice was not easy as neither was construction of a new platform.

One team went back to WWII when we knew the Nazis has some success with time travel weaponry.

The final team sacrificed their humanity to travel to the post nuclear future where we evolved into a group of talking apes. Our latter destination proved to be the correct location and I, in my evolved Ape state, fought Dr X in the very launch center from which he has planned to complete the devolution of the entire race. The fact that you are not running around your place as a hairless mole rat today is proof that I succeeded once again to save the world.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Glad you're staying busy then.

TS Hendrik said...

I'd watch a theatrical adaptation.

Wings1295 said...

All of this AND you have time to post the pop culture miscellanea that we all come here to enjoy?

Kudos, my friend. Thank you, and kudos.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well when the time platform allows you to arrive back at pretty much the exact time you left it saves alot of time.l

Will said...

Thank you so much, you sir are a great Amer...err..I mean a great Canadian !

Megan said...

That was awesome.

Are you acquainted with The Stainless Steel Rat?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know not of this rat that you speak of...tell me more.

TS Hendrik said...

You don't know the stainless steel rat? Dude...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I don't. I am a foreigner. We don't have all the fancy book learning that you in 'merica do.

TS Hendrik said...

Excuses excuses. Harry Harrison is a famous sci-fi writer. Besides I was just talking about it a couple weeks back on my blog. I was all excited that there was going to be a new book.

Darius Whiteplume said...
