Sunday, April 18, 2010

This Will End Badly

"This situation will get out of control. It will get OUT OF CONTROL AND WE WILL BE LUCKY TO LIVE THROUGH IT!"

Thanks to Megan for informing us that such a baby eating abomination exists.


Bossy Betty said...

It looks very happy. Did it just have a snack?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

2 babies go comes out.

Kelly Sedinger said...

No comment on the photo, but I'm always on board with the random quoting of "Hunt for Red October"!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's my 'go too' quote when I know that something is bad for us. That guy make have some pretty loopy political ideas but he is a great character actor and has a hot hot wife. Fred Thompson I mean.