It seems only appropriate that the same day I get an insane number of visitors (1,589) that I get contacted by the fine people at CSN Stores with the offer of a $100 dollar gift certificate that can be redeemed at one of over 200 stores they have on their main site.
They have everything from sectional sofas to turtle pools. I can't imagine anyone NOT finding what they want when the selection is this diverse. By following the above link you can make your way to the other stores and choose what to spend your free money on if you are the winner of this first ever 'Cave of Cool Contest'.
I am totally happy that CSN ( provided me with this prize that allows me to reward one of my beloved followers (or my 'people' as I like to call them). You have been with me through the good and the bad days and I appreciate that.
They contacted me initially but if you contact them they might do the same promotion with you. You have nothing to lose but space for a single post.
Now for the questions. Anyone who can answer the first two correctly will go into the prize barrel and be drawn out one week from now. The third question is your chance to validate my ego but will in no way influence my final decision. The winner will be due to a random draw which is fairest to everyone.
1. What is my cat's FULL name.
2. What is the name of the girl I ALMOST married.
3. What do you like most about visiting the 'Cave of Cool'?
Cool contest, a new first for the awesome cave!
Well they offered me the gift certificate so it didn't cost me anything to reward someone.
1.- Irrelevant (except for you and your cat)
2.- Irrelevant (except for you and your girl)
3.- The Canadian Cave of Cooll hosts my favorite irrelevant content.
1: Admiral ...somethingorother.... wasn't paying attention.
2. Denice
3. Being validated as a human being by having my comments commented upon.
1.Admiral Fluffy Von Schoochie Balou
3.As a Canadian who is also cool I find the content pleasing to me. If it were any better I would demand that it be washed and taken to my chambers. If not possible, pls, just send the redheads.
Hmm... I think I know the answers, but I'm not entering. Conflict of interest and all that as I've got the one going on my site.
Still that's cool. I've noticed CSN sweeping across the blogoshpere with these contests. I suspect they're building an empire. Which is fine by me, as long as they keep handing out the goodies.
Admiral Fluffy P. Scootchie-Baloo of the Manhattan Scootchie-Baloos
Oh, and Denise.
I like being reminded we are all your bitches. ;-D
!. Sir Admiral Fluffy Something- Something was what I remembered.
2. Oh, embarressing. I definitely remember you talking about her but am not sure. Rebecca??
3. The mix. if that's too generic or broad then I would say I like the way you inspire me enough to write comments and the back-and-forth that then sometimes ensues.
And the cat pictures!
1. Admiral Fluffy something (best left between you and your cat)
2. Denise
3. I stumbled upon you one day and you made me laugh. So now I periodically lurk.
1.Admiral Fluffy Von Schoochie Balou
3.I have to admit this is my first time visiting your blog.
1. Admiral Fluffy Von Schoochie Balou
2. Denise
3. I love that you are both male and Canadian, a rarity in the blogosphere
1.Admiral Fluffy Von Schoochie Balou
3.It's the cave of cool! what other reason do I need??
my email id:
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