"All right boys. This is da way it's gonna be, see. This cat is now da head of dis here gang. Anyone who has a complaint with dat will just have to take it up wit Mr Whiskers here and I pity da first mug dat opens his mouth. This cat is stone cold. He's a killer, see. When he tells yous what to do yous best do it, see. Especially yous der in da front row. You think looking like a young Leonard Nemoy makes you tough? I'll tell ya what's tough. Dis here cat is tough, see"
Oh, God I read this about 20 minutes ago and I can't stop giggling.
I need a vacation. Or a drink. Or both.
Might I suggest a drinking vacation?
oh my, I didn't know that anyone apart from odd people on archive.org even know these...
Someone else found it. I just imaginated the dialog.
Dat der was funny, see? You gots a good brain for humor, see! Nice work. You get to live anudder day...
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