Monday, May 3, 2010

I Must Confess

The Right is correct. Seems that Rush and other voices on the Right have discovered the truth. The destruction of the deep sea oil drilling platform, Deepwater Horizon, was a plot by President Obama and myself. We plotted this since the turn of the century and finally Brother Barack was in a position to push the button and release my full power on 'Big Oil'. Those who say that former President Bush cut regulations and regulators of the oil industry are speaking crazy talk. If one thing Bush knew how to do right was to regulate industries. So get a grip people. GAH!

I would like to ask a question. How come whenever I hear someone who is anti-Obama or anti-democracy or anti-immigration speak they sound like uneducated, ignorant, shoeless hillbillies? They all have that slow southern drawl that I have heard in every bad movie about the Civil War?


Video Zeta One said...

Finally, you've seen the light, Cal. I knew you'd come around. Once you understand that Obama is the antichrist, everything just falls into place.

Seriously, I wonder if we could plug the leak with Rush Limbaugh.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I certainly would like to try. And if we have to restuff and restuff then we restuff. Oh and Obama is the antichrist. I know that Obama is ebil because he gave me a 'My President Just Came From Hell And All He Brought Me Was This T-Shirt' t-shirt.

Megan said...

I was just saying to a friend of mine earlier tonight that we should fucking give up and emigrate. It's about time some actual taxpayers start abandoning the ship. But, you know what? There's not a lot of places out there accepting applicants, these days...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I hear Canada is nice. Cold but nice. And everything is edible. The trees, the buildings, the pets.

Nomad said...

Awesome Simpson episode!

M. D. Jackson said...

Well, of course. Just the same way that Geo. Bush Jr. orchestrated 9/11, or how FDR invited the Japanese kamikaze to Hawaii, or how Churchill let the Blitz happen to garner support for his policies.

Don't you know that all politicians are evil and will stop at nothing to get their own way! Why there's no randomness in the university at all? It's all just a plot! And everyone is too blind to see it. Except for me, of course!

DrGoat said...

I'm with Gilligan. Plug it with Limbaugh. I heard he said that oil is a natural substance and the ocean will take care of it. We shouldn't worry. Yeah, plug the well with that lying, arrogant sob.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It really is reaching a point where it can't get any worse...right everyone?

M. D. Jackson said...

Cal, the moment you say something like that, you know what happens? It gets even worse!

DrGoat said...

You would think that, wouldn't you Cal. We seem to be determined to destroy nature and anything we can or can't make a buck on.