I love the USA but you Yankees are seriously working my last nerve. First you give the world Sarah Palin and prop her up regardless of whatever crazy piece of nonsense spews from her pie hole. Now I find that her equally worthless daughter is being paid $15,000 - $30,000 per speech she gives about ABSTINENCE???
Wasn't this the girl who got pregnant under the nose of her oh so righteous mother? The girl who can barely express a thought when interviewed on television. She is an idiot and now people want to pay her that kind of money to read off a piece of paper?
She is the exact role model we need to show kids how crappy your life will turn out if you have a baby as a teen. You will get to fly around in private jets and make loads of cash while someone else cares for your precious little money bundle when you are away from home.
Where is a gun toting lowlife when we need one.
If you guys had made nice with the Russians and told Seward to fuck off, the Palins would be your problem. You're welcome. :-D
Yeah, this is lunacy at it's best. Non-conservative pregnant teens are whores, but conservative pregnant teens are cute and cuddly.
That is indeed pretty damn pathetic.
Why not let Charles Manson out of prison to speak about some other bad choices! Like murder and manipulation...
That would be a great idea except for the fact that conservatives don't secretly want to screw Charles Manson. But Sarah and Bristol? Sure they do. And how stupid a name is Bristol?
Nice place though.
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