Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunday Can't Come Fast Enough

["Lost"] producers plan to address a selection of baffling bits of unfinished business on the season 6 DVD, which goes on sale in August. An ABC insider says the set will include “new content that addresses some of the unanswered questions in an entertaining way,” though disputed reports that there could be as much as 20 minutes worth of mystery-resolution material." - Entertainment Weekly

Are you freakin' kidding me? I watch six seasons and put up with all the unresolved balloon juice and I have to buy the Season Six DVD to fill in all the stuff you didn't think was important enough to include in the broadcast run of the show?

Well y'all can bite me. The mysteries are what have made the show so interesting. Forgive me for actually believing that you would never leave me hanging. I didn't watch the show 'wrong'. You just didn't keep up with the promises you made in nearly all the articles you did interviews for.

You led me around by the nose for all these years and got me interested in watching this show so much that I committed to it, in it's entirety since January of this year. I had finally reached the point where I couldn't stand to hear anyone else talk about it. I got sick of all the press telling me how great it was and I got tired of not being part of the 'phenomenon'.

Then, with the finale in sight,you basically admit that you didn't really have an answer for us in the first place. Then you decide that you do have answers but we need to buy the DVD and watch the ENTIRE SIXTH SEASON AGAIN to find them.

'Lost' hate us. 'Lost' resents us for watching. 'Lost' resents our love. I hope they enjoy the joke at our expense.


You really need to check out Pop Culture Safari's list of questions about 'Lost'. These 'mysteries' have all but been abandoned in favor of the next made-up storyline proving that the writers had no idea whatsoever about what tale they wanted to tell.

Reading that list only annoyed me more. Let's get this show over with so I can return to my world where LIES don't dominate the experience. Welcome to post 20th Century North America people. Yeh, I said it.


Drake said...

Heads up Amigo, the Eclectic Banana blog is back up! Have no idea of what was going on just glad to have my blogs back.

Thanks for the support Cal.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I live in Mexico. We won't have a season finale until tuesday. Please, hold your opinios until next wednesday, or I won't read you blog for a couple of days.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

HEY HEY..that is great news Drake. And don't worry will take me a few days to work up a good response anyways. Thanks for letting me know that you have a delay.

Lemmy Caution said...

I don't know....I clicked on the link and read that list of "unanswerd questions"....and I thought all the questions had painfully obvious answers. Made me wonder if the person asking those question ever actually watched the show.

The fact that the show doesn't explain EVERY little thing is one of the HUGE reasons why I've enjoyed it so much. If I wanted every sings thing spoon fed to me I'd watch any of the other 200 crappy shows on TV.

JBond said...

I'm with Lemmy. I just read a great article that put things into perspective for me even more than I already had been. check it out.

I've been checking in with your site for a long time and I love all your posts. I was around when you started watching Lost from scratch and posting your thoughts and it was fun to read as you caught up because It was refreshing my memory since I've been watching since 6 years ago. At some point you switched off and I'm not sure why. I don't think the creators ever specifically told us we should question everything or that every morsel is a potential clue. We just started looking at license plate numbers and for background cameos of other characters in someone else's back story because it added to the viewing experience. Now that it's coming to an end, we each have made our mental list of 200 questions we were asking a long the way and, I believe an over whelming number of them have either been addressed directly or indirectly addressed by other answers.

A quick example. Do we NEED a specific answer as to why there's a giant Egyptian statue at the shore line or is it just enough to find out that Jacob has been bringing boats and planes and submarines there for centuries...and probably his Mother before that and maybe even someone else that his mother it's safe to say soem of them were Egyptians with a fertility problem that prayed to the statue and built one on the island. The same could be said for any of the questions a lot of people seem to still throw at the creators. But those questions...and those answers won't directly affect the story line of the passengers of flight 815. This is THEIR story. It's time to put all the other random fun clues, questions and artifacts away and enjoy what's left of their tale.

If there's still any question about the show that you feel you want to throw at somebody like me that who is of the impression that 99% of the significant questions have been answered please feel free to throw it my way. I may not give you the correct answer...but it's the answer I've come up with to close the door on a question I've decided won't be answered in time for the finale for good reason.

I in no way want this to represent disappointment with your site or the 1,000s of other cool things you present to us every day. I'll be checking in tomorrow with you and the next day after that. Keep up the good work!


Lemmy Caution said...

Well said Jbond. Especially your stuff about the statue and questions like that. Couldn't agree more.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Welcome to the discussion JBond. Good to have you here. I have been reading alot of articles about this topic this week including the one you sent and I am learning things I missed out on the first time around. I guess I didn't want to think on my own and wanted to be spoon fed everything I needed to know which is not the way I usually do things. With that approach there is no way I couldn't be let down. Maybe by building up my disappointments I will be able to fully enjoy the finale without expecting too much - much more than the creators could possibly deliver.

Lemmy Caution said...

Did Pulp Fiction suck because Quentin never told us what was in the briefcase?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said... are right. He didn't tell me what was in that briefcase. That bastard! Where is his email?

Jason said...

Lost is Cancer to Television

For six years LOST has had me more confused than Paula Abdul at a physics lecture. Really, LOST, Really? A parallel reality, really? I saw it the first time when it was called SLIDING DOORS. Yeah, I just called you out for ripping off a Gwyneth Paltrow movie from 1998! This whole last season has been nothing but a disappointment. Yes the Jacob/Man in Black was a compelling story-line, but could you please tell me what that has to do with the last five seasons? Good writing demands that these two integral characters must be introduced in the first act of the story, but good writing was never your strong suit. Instead we have to be content with the fact that it happened on the island so it is vaguely kind of related to a story line similar to the one that I have literally devoted six years of my attention to. The "Adam and Eve" skeletons are the man and black and his mother? You know what would have been more interesting? More>>>