Thursday, May 20, 2010

This Is Why I Hate American Idol

First of all let me state that I do not watch 'American Idol'. Not to denigrate the millions of you out there that love it (and you are fully free to ignore everything I am going to say) it's really just a bad karaoke contest. I have read that this year is the worst crop ever. I know it never matters who wins because the winner never goes on to do anything meaningful in music anyways. That has everything to do with who is selected for that show and what little they actually bring to the table after the whole thing is done with.

I hate the judges for all the reasons you would expect. I hate the way the dreams of all the hopefuls are crushed for the amusement of the audience. However, I most hate the cheers the studio audience gives for performances that are so sub par that they are laughable.

There is no greater example of this than the performance growly non-singer Lee DeWyze gave last night with the classic tune 'Hallelujah'. I love that song and I expect anyone who sings it to do it justice. It's the dividing line between OK singers and great ones. If you watch the clip and think he did a great job then there is nothing I can do to help you. You will just never get it.

His whole performance reminded me of this one time in high school....

When I was in grade 12 I was on the grad committee. We had to choose a singer from amongst us to sing our grad song ('Old and Wise' by 'Alan Parsons Project' - what an upbeat little tune that was). The potential singers sang from behind a curtain so we didn't know who they were. It was a small grade 12 class so there was no chance of anonymity. We knew everyone who tried out.

There was this one kid who we all hated because he was the most entitled little bastard you would ever want to meet. I played football with this numnut and performed in plays with him. He had the looks and the charm to get away with things that no one else could. I imagine today he is a serial killer because he has that type of 'Ted Bundy' personality.

Well true to form this goof got behind the curtain and performed what was possibly the worst version ever of 'Beth' by 'Kiss'. It was horrible but all the girls on the committee swooned over this moron and his screechy rendition. They all wanted him to get the gig. I nearly puked. I threatened to quit to no avail. Only when I INSISTED on another day of auditions and I BEGGED the lead singer from our school choir to audition did I avert a possible disaster. She got the job and dufus was out but only by ONE vote.

I hear he still carries a grudge about that from the car lot he ended up working at for the last 25 plus years. Good. I feel no guilt over this one.

So know that I come to my opinion from an honest place. Yesterday I had to watch another numnut butcher a fine song - no, let me rephrase that - a GREAT song by my boy Leonard Cohen. This mouth breather needed a choir behind him and he STILL ruined the tune. Somethings are sacred and you don't mess with them. When you can do 'Hallelujah' better than k.d. lang then you can attempt it. If you can't you move on and sing 'Happy Birthday'.

I don't need to post a version of the song by k.d. You all know how fantastic her rendition is.

I only saw this after reading about it on Jaquandor's blog so I thank him and join him in outrage over this abomination.

This is the reason I never will watch 'Idol'. I know they do things just like this every week and to watch would create annoyances in me where none need to be. I have enough things letting me down in this world. Why would I add another?

The only good thing about this performance is that he sang only half the song. Still, half a shit is still a shit.


Pat Tillett said...

Au contraire, mon frère, big time!

Kelly Clarkson
Carrie Underwood
Chris Daughtry
Jenniffer Hudson

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Okay. I accept that. Just not a fan.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Thing is, there's a contestant on the show right now who, if she'd been given that song, would have absolutely have done it justice. But the show's judges are so in the bag for this Lee kid (who is utterly, utterly awful) that Crystal has about zero chance of winning.

M. D. Jackson said...

I should point out that Chris Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson didn't actually win American Idol. They ended up winners anyway because they transcended the narrow, middle of the road idea of talent that the great mass of American Idol watchers think they want.

I believe that if you put the greatest talent on that show... anybody... they would not make it. Do you honestly think KD Lang would have won American Idol? No. She would have had a hard time making it into the top ten. Why? Because although the judges may know talent, the public does not.

The final three reminded me of Peter Frampton, Janis Joplin and Billy Joel wannabees.

Laura said...

I really like Kelly Clarkson and Chris Daughtry but other than that..I don't care for anyone else that has come off of Idol.

I watched the first couple of seasons, then lost interest. I totally cannot stand any reality show now!!!

A great song .. killed by a wanna be. :(
Tres sad!


Wings1295 said...

Well, I guess I am one of your numnuts then, cause I watch and enjoy the show.

I think the final two here, Lee & Crystal, are both good singers. And I am glad they have had this opportunity to get noticed.

Lee's version of Hallelujah wasn't the best ever, but it was good, in his usual way. I see Lee in the vein of Springsteen or Mellencamp and such.

Crystal is a true musician and tries so hard to mesh the Idol world with her own sensibilities.

Whoever wins, it will be a good win this year.

And I have to add to the list of performers on the show, winners or not, who have made something of themselves: Adam Lambert. I give my daughter a hard time over him, but truth is he is a great singer/performer and is just what American Idol is great at, bringing the unknowns who should be known to attention.

The judges aren't the hateful, poking-at-wounds people you seem to think they are. Simon, while sometimes too crass, is always honest with these performers, sometimes telling them things they need to hear that they have never heard before. He does just what you said you did to the kid from Grade 12. He tells them they aren't as good as all the people tell them they are just cause they are family, friends or plain pretty.

Idol isn't perfect, but its fun and entertaining and it actually kick starts some musical (and other genre) careers.

Enough for me.

And Carrie Underwood would be reason enough for the show to exist.


Hoserbluenoser said...

What about Rufus Wainwright? Not a huge fan but his treatment of "Hallelujah" is good listening. Incidentally, I used to play in a band with the absurd name of "Leonard Conan" and were quite thrilled when Leonard threatened to sue us.

Pat Tillett said...

to's not even so much about who wins. It's the journey they take to get there. Seriously, when I see Carrie Underwood sing, I almost feel like I "knew" her back when...

Maybe I'm a little bit subjective on the subject. My family and extended family love AI. Every Tuesday (during the season) there is a party or semi-party at our house. There may 5 people that come over and there may be 15. Several of us have been to the live taping of the show and gone to AI "top ten" live concerts. I was lucky enough to be at the live show when Adam Lambert shocked everyone with his "Ring of Fire" rendition. You should have heard it was amazing. Of course it all sounds better live.

One of my girls and her friends go to the finale after party every year and we also have a family friend who is a body guard for the contestants.

Having said all that, I agree that this is a pretty weak year...

Ravyn said...

I'm with Wings (as if that would be a surprise haha) Although this crop of AI performers this year doesn't have the WOW factor of Adam Lambert from last year (see him performing Tracks of my Tears) they were decent enough in their own right. It's an amateur competition and that's what these people are.

As for k.d. Lang - yes, her performance of Hallelujah was spectacular - but so many of the ones that sing this particular song sing it beautifully. Lee performed for himself - as Lee.

As for Crystal - she's also spectacular - if you have any doubts at all - check out this video of her from the age of 13, performing her own song.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks for all the great comments gang. That is the most I have ever heard from Wings on any subject I have talked about EVER! That is a fan!

I should never comment on something I never watch or follow. I get all my news about this show from the perifery (sp?) and that never makes for fair analysis. I appreciate being set straight.

Oh and Rayvn, that vid of 13 year old Crystal is fantastic. Maybe I did miss out watching her develop this season.

Ravyn said...


Ricky Shambles said...

I spit in the general direction of AI, but Irish Dancer likes it, so I get a sample helping a couple times a week.

But your story pulled at my 12th grade heartstrings. I was in Senior Committee, which was a grad class group having to do with grad stuff. We were supposed to come up with the nominees for the class song. Being the outsider and poet in the group, I chose "Winter" by Tori Amos, full of symbolism of growing up, filling bigger shoes, and moving on to be strong for yourself.

The asshats in my class voted for "I Wanna Go Back" by Eddie Money.

I believe the discrepancy between those two choices tells the whole story.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh Ricky, I know what it was like to be in high school and deal with those numnuts. I felt that this post took me back to those days.

Nathan said...

I have to suspect that the audience is ordered to applaud for every single performance. It would be a little difficult to explain it otherwise. They also applaud every positive comment and boo every negative comment, even if the performance really did suck.