Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Exactly The Way I Feel


Pat Tillett said...

I'm right there with you...

DrGoat said...

And the fact that most all religions share common beliefs, many suspiciously centering around the end of December (winter solstice). Son, sun, same thing.
It just boggles my mind that so many people are that irrational.

Sarah said...

I saw this quote somewhere and adopted it because it sums up my philosophy on religion really well:

"People should treat religion like sex--have it, enjoy it, even experiment with it, but do all that shit in private with consenting adults."

Unfortunately I'm not sure who to credit with the quote.

Kal said...

The one thing I hate the most are the people who believe (and believe what you want) that THEIR beliefs are TRUE and the ONLY way to understand the lessons from their fairy tales. Their ignorance to the fact that the early Christians borrowed much from what was around at the time to tell their own stories makes me crazy. I just can't abide ignorance.