Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun In The Tundra

Winters are quite cold in Yellowknife, the capital town of Canada’s Northwest Territories. YouTube user samantha683 instantly froze boiling water by tossing it into the -30° C air. I lived in Yellowknife for two years and loved it there. You actually get used to the cold and in the summer you get 24 hours of sunlight for a time which leads to some great manic behaviors and midnight golf.



TS Hendrik said...

Coolest video ever.

Interesting thing I realized the other day. Because of my mixed up childhood, I think of summer in terms of Fahrenheit but think of winter in terms of Celsius.

Kal said...

You are just full of interesting revelations today aren't you?

Belle said...

This is why the U.S. hasn't invaded yet.

Kal said...

It's our secret weapon.

BobG said...

I've seen some cold temperatures in the mountains here in Utah that were down around -30°F. You could spit out into the air, and it would freeze and thump when it hit the ground.

csmith2884 said...

That is so cool ..well color me redundant.