I have a thing for pillows. I need a lot of them to sleep comfortably. I am like some middle eastern Sultan of old and currently have NINE of them on my bed. It's a whole production to arrange the just right so that I get maximum comfort and the cat get's a steady perch from which he can look outside.
I have three pillows on the couch so that I can watch TV in the style of the Emperor of Rome. My nightmare is to go to prison where they only give you ONE pillow. Now THAT is some barbaric bull shit right there and a crime against civilization.
I didn't call this beautiful thing a 'chesterfield' but that is what we refer to them as here in Canada. Sometimes we call them a sofa. 'Chesterfield' just always seemed to me to be a more dignified way to address the largest piece of sitting down furniture in the room.
When I lived with roomies in University we visited a large furniture store that was having a sale of miss matched cushions and large pillows and we bought a bundle of them. It was great lounging around in our own little islands of comfort while watching TV or playing video golf.
Sometimes if one of the roomies passed out we would pile pillows on top of him and then deliver flying wrestling moves on him. No one really got hurt - just a little squished.
yes, not having pillows in prison is probably the biggest nightmare when you end up behind the bars :PPP
What do you mean? What have you heard? So having only ONE ratty pillow is not the worst thing that can happen to me? You are referring to the food right? I hear the food is bad.
no, I heard they don't even let you use a hairdryer in prisons :( and how could guys like us live without a hairdryer???
Are you serious? So I have to use a towel to dry my beautiful bald head? That is barbaric. I am not an animal.
I LOVE pillows too!
Too good to be true Cal...Dune, cat, and pillow lover?
Now tell me you play D&D and I'll swoon.
I get freaked out thinking the same things about you.
Of course I play D and D. With my imagination? Are you kidding me? But I can't be trusted on a campaign like I can't be trusted at RISK. Don't make allianced with me. Don't turn your back on me in some goblin cave because I will cut you, take all your stuff and leave you to die. In real life I never would do that but for some reason I just can't resist when playing certain games.
I also had being on a team while playing trivial pursuit because there is nothing worse than having a partner who knows NOTHING and I just have to keep quiet and listen to them answer the question wrong.
It seems like you would be the opposite of that. Thanks for what you said. Made my day.
I was going to send you my survey questions that I had the kids fill out first day so they could write autobiographies on themselves but I was too afraid we would have too many of the same answers.
But I will ask this one. It's might just be a dealbreaker. Coke or Pepsi or no preference?
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