'The Return of Bruce Wayne' was the biggest peace of crap I read all year. It was written by Grant Morrison who can do some terrific stuff when he wants to.
The covers of this comic are very well done and serve the purpose of drawing the reader's attention to the book in the comic store. But that is how they GETCHA. You like the cover, you buy the book and can't wait to read it only to find what a big letdown it is. It's like going to the Bunny Ranch and getting to screw a hooker but they only have the 60 year old prostitute left for you to choose from.
For many years now, Morrison's stories have gotten beyond confusing. It's always like he has a full story but keeps half of it in his brain and put the other half down on paper. Nothing makes sense.

He had a cool concept and great bat-themed character from throughout history and he still couldn't do anything but totally botch the job. I defy any one to tell me what the hell was going on. I defy anyone to tell me that they enjoyed this mini-series.
The look of the Batman character (who I credit totally to cover artist Adam Kubert) in his various incarnations are terrific and make fantastic action figures. The detail alone on this Pirate Batman is worth the cost.

I re-read the six issues again tonight and I am even more pissed off. I know the story, I know the ending from reading it first time around and STILL I can't figure out half the stuff that is going on. I am mad at myself for giving another chance to something I hated. I feel bum raped...TWICE.
Morrison has a way of alienating a reader like no writer I have ever seen. I also suspect that as a marque name there was very little editing go on around the Marvel Bullpen.
A good editor is essential to the creation of a great comic because they ask the writer questions the reader want to know. They work to put out the best comic they can so that the comic consumer returns month after month.

McFarlane, Liefeld, Miller, and Bendis are other authors who fall prey to this kind of unbelievable HUBRIS. They automatically are under the mistaken belief that they need outside input. They assume that their stuff is gold and they will make the decision of what goes into their comic thank you very much.
When those conditions exist you never get a comic that is fun to read. McFarlane particularly falls into this trap. His 'Spawn' character was fresh and original back in the day but was a comic I got tired of very quickly.

Lately McFarlane came up with 'Haunt' who is really just his excuse to draw Spider-man again. 'Haunt' is only just Spawn Spider-man. Oh and the stories still suck.
To return to my previous point - When you combine Morrison's massive ego with the lack of supervision about what he was writing, a disaster is only waiting to happen.
I imagine Morrison just laughing at all us goobers who didn't GET his vision. We must not be as smart as him then. Nice prank yah prick. So great of you to totally disrespect not only the fans of Batman but the character of Batman as well.
I just pretend these stories don't exist. ;)
I guess that is all I can do I guess. Thank the gods he has nothing to do with the new 'Batman Inc.' spory. I am looking forward to see the Batmen from many cities. It's a stong concept. I see a future where the League of the Bat will have to gather together on a mission to save their mentor. All these hightly trained guys releasing their talents against the bad guys.
We must not be as smart as him then.
I hate when I don't "get" a comic that sometimes I feel the author WAS trying to make me feel stupid.
I agree that some of Morrison's stuff is good, but when it is bad.... Whoa Nellie!
Grant Morrison. 'nuff said.
I hope that means that you are on my side Captain C. instead of being a Morrison apologists. Next you will be telling me that everything Alan Moore ever put to paper is brilliant on it's face. Yeh, I said it...Moore is another ego run amuck. I would rather read 'Pet Avengers' and have some fun than read any future volumns of "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". The first two series of that title were great...and then...(to quote MOCK) Whoa Nellie!
I don't buy Batman comics anymore. I remember, when Morrison took over, I was really excited, given the fantastic work he was doing with Superman in the All-Star title, but he's "killed" more than just Bruce Wayne during his run - he killed my love for my favourite comic character, stone dead. Morrison has written at least two of my all-time favourite series ( All-Star Superman is one, Zenith the other ), but his work on Batman is, frankly, appaling.
& I agree totally with the Moore comment, too. Swamp Thing. great. Marvelman. great. V for Vendetta and LXG vol. 1. great. everything else? fuck off.
I hate Morrison more because of how great a story 'All-Star Superman' was. Sure Frank Quietly's art is spectacular but the story was fresh and sentimental all at the same time. That last panel was genius. I KNOW Morrison can do better than the crap he did with Batman. There is no love for the charater like there was in All-Star. Maybe if there was I wouldn't feel so let down.
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