Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Had All These Outfits For My Joes

One of the great loses in my life was when my box of action figures were lost when we moved from Europe back to Canada. I had all of these outfits. My dad had a 'guy' in England who had access to these great 'Action Man' uniforms.


Sarah said...

I think I would buy a G.I. Joe if I knew I could dress him up in a kilt.

Kilts are crazy awesome!

Kal said...

When I was it cadets we were allowed to wear them. They were very comfortable and you felt like a tough a skirt...but tough none the less.

Sarah said...

That's the beauty of a kilt...only men who are comfortable with themselves and their manliness can wear them comfortably.

Kal said...

The knife in the sock is a nice touch too. Should be a crysknife but I understand tradition.