In response to the evil 'target map' from Sarah Palin, the right is floating this democratic image. Seems they are going with the "well they did it too" defence.
Really? You want to go there and THIS is your example?
First of all those circles are NOT targets. Sure the graph expresses statistics that may be useful to the Democrats. It is helping to illustrate where to spend their resources to insure the best chance that their candidates will be elected. That is just smart political research.
NOWHERE does it suggest that the districts featured need to be DESTROYED. I assure you that there is no progressive out there who is thinking to themselves, "Yeh, that is what I will do. I will go shoot up an entire state because Nancy Pelosi said it was my patriotic duty to do so."
Palin's poster INCITES crazy people to do bad things. In no way does the Democrat map do this.
It seems that instead of ADMITTING that Sarah's map was wrong the right will circle the wagons and not cut her loose. Even though she has come out recently and criticized the Republican leadership (and bit the hand that feeds her) they still won't disavow her for the good of their party.
That can only be because the leadership on the right SUPPORTS the evil that she is doing. They don't seem to have any concern about the methods she uses to get her message across. They would rather see her savage the left and be divisive.
Republicans love to pit one group against another. The creation of scapegoats is a proven way to distract their followers from demanding that these politicians get off their asses and fix some of the problems the country has.
How cynical. Didn't anyone look to the future and realize that this tactic of Palin's would lead to some really bad results? They do realize that in a country awash in guns (there is that 'don't retreat, reload imagery again) that someone is more likely to use a 'second amendment solution' to fix the 'problem', right?
Can at least ONE conservative look at this ploy and say that they have a problem with it? Of course that will never happen because the Right is NEVER wrong about anything. Their leaders can never say anything that so long as they gain power in the end. All ends, no matter how vile and contemptuous, justify the means in their thinking.
This is why conservative vote against their best interests. That is why they didn't want to see tax cuts on millionaires or benefits for 9/11 first responders. Instead of extending compassion and appreciation to people who really need some help, they reject this premise completely. They are sheep. They will follow their side off a cliff rather than do the decent thing, the HUMAN thing.
If you can't convince them that the two are NOT equatable, they will never ever 'get it'. They are a lost cause. They are dead to me.
OK I'm a liberal and voted Obama. Let me say, I have no problem with what Palin did. The reason is simple if I did have a problem with it, I couldn't in good consciencee watch and enjoy "Machete" which had as a plot point a congressional assassination (When this first went down being in arizona I was afraid it was someone who watched Machete too many times went batshit crazy)
Are there things that could have been done to avoid this horror? Certainly a better mental health network might have been a good idea, perhaps keeping a better eye on our stockpile of weapons would be a good place to start.
Just my two cents.
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
You do realize that 'Machete' was a movie, right? It wasn't a documentary. That is an important distinction to make here.
Yes I do realize that Kal. And you do realize that Palin was not urging folks to take a hunting rifle and go after democrats like myself.
I don't like Palin, but if I'm going to defend the concept of free speech and art then I have to defend her right to act like an ass.
In the long run of things I rather have the balance of responsiblity tipped to those who actually commit crimes.
Lazarus Lupin
with warm regards!
But isn't this incitement. Isn't this yelling FIRE in a crowded movie house? I am having a hard time seeing the distinction. I am a huge supporter of free speach, don't get me wrong but there is a line that get's crossed. Free speach isn't and should never be universal.
I can't stand the Westboro Church idiots but they have one their their right from the Supreme Court to be incredibly evil and hateful...but nobody was motivated to kill by seeing them on TV 24/7.
I blame lots of things for why this happened - poor care of the mentally ill, the constant drumbeat of negativity from the dominate far right media (talk radio and Fox news), liberal gun registration, tea bagger.
It all formed a perfect storm yesterday.
I would like to think that this would change the discussion and make it more civil but I have a suspicion that the chasm will get even wider as both side entrench themselvse in their ideology.
No I don't think this rose to the level of "yelling fire in a crowded theater." One would have to work awfully hard to take what is obviously a metaphore in this instance and turn it into a concrete concept that these people needed to be killed. We don't even know at this point is there any connection at all between the two.
Lazarus Lupin
So should I conclude we'll next see someone shooting up Target stores? A bulls-eye and crosshairs don't mean quite the same thing.
Palin's people doubtless signed off on crosshairs cause they though it was cute -- >tee-hee!< --like all her gun stuff. It fits the Palin macha moosekiller meme, and they know it royally pisses off liberals. Well hey, it ain't funny any more. Zip it up. And they know damn well it was irresponsible, or they wouldn't have sanitized their website.
BTW on 9/11 the first thing I thought was, "Somebody's been reading their Tom Clancy." But I never heard anyone go after him for crashing a jet into a building.
I appreciate your perspective here Laz. Thanks for the contribution to the discussion. You make several good points. Damn you for being the voice of reason at a time when I am out for blood. Moose blood. Pure Alaskan Skank Moose Blood.
and thank you for a wonderful and reasonable discussion. If you want some cartharsis, TLC just cancelled Palin's reality show.
Lazarus Lupin
I love North America. Here, perception is everything. People are going to look for someone to blame. I am not saying it is right or fair but it sure will be SWEET. Finally all her shit is coming back around to land on her head. Is saying 'Payback's a bitch' not too cliche right now?
You are an idiot ( OP)
Enemy lines, Targets, and those are target bullseyes.
Which part of Palin's map was more offensive ?
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