Friday, January 7, 2011

Yes Sir Fish Sir

How progressive are people in the Star Wars universe? The rebels can put a fish in charge of their military and every supports that. Do you hear me Republicans and Tea Baggers? If you can't deal with the fact that President Obama is black then at least take solace in the knowlege that his is human and your leader is not a huge talking carp. I loves me some Akbar but how cool would it have been if he was wearing a water filled bubble helmet??


Nomad said...

Was he a fish. I thought he was a cephalopod?;)

Kal said...

No tentacles. He is a carp. And don't tell me that he 'stuffs' his tentacles out of sight. He has a spine to hold him upright while your average stinkin' bulbhead does not.

I hope I have put this idea to rest. There were no cephalopods in Star Wars. Or are there in the entire Star Wars Universe of stories.

Although I will conceed that they would make perfectly evil and effective members of the dark side and would carry eight lightsabers into a fight just to have an unfair advantage.

M. D. Jackson said...

What about the Saarlat?

M. D. Jackson said...

And yeah, it would have been totally cool if he'd had a water filled bubble helmet. You'd think that they would have CGI'd that in with the special editions.

D.I. Felipe González said...

It's a Calamri! The name of the species is siliar to the name of a popular cephalopod, but it's not.
And Han shot first.

Kal said...

That Saarlat is a worm with tentacle like appengences but pure evil none the less.

D.I. - I think that is how people get fooled. They hear the name and think SQUID but we all know that no squid ever will lead anything as good and pure as a rebel alliance.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Cal, the correct name is Saarlac. And yes, no SQUID is worthy of the Rebel Alliance.

Belle said...

Excellent post!
Maybe the Republicans would let Akbar be leader, but then spread lies about where he was born.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Now there is a guy who would have to produce his birth certificate.