Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cyclone Yasi

I feel sorry for Australia. Not only has the east coast of that country experienced 'one in lifetime floods', Cairns, the city where my sister, brother-in-law and her two kidlets live, is being hit with a 'once in a century' cyclone. Winds up to 184 miles an hour will rip the roof off of houses and just devastate any try that tries to stand up to it. I wait to hear from her and to see the footage. I hope both my family and all families there are safe. I have no fear that they will rebuild. Australians are some of the most hardy and brave people on the planet. The proof comes from this quote by a six year old girl - "It was cool. I saw a big snake floating in the flood."


Pat Tillett said...

Lot's of weird weather going on. I hope your family is able to ride it out safely.

Sam G said...

Hope everyone makes it through safe.

Tempo said...

It missed! the storm went between Cairns and Townsville with Townsville getting the worst of the weather...the good news is, no one reported dead (yet)and much less damage than expected due to everyone being prepared or running away!

Kal said...

Am glad to hear that it missed you. My sister lives between Cairns and Townsville and we haven't heard from them yet. I am not that worried yet.