Belle is one of my cherished followers and commenters from Kelowna, B.C. - a place in the Canadian sun belt where most of my extended relatives live. She always leaves great comments on my posts. Her own blog (which I have to admit I only recently knew she had) is one of the kind I really like to read - funny family stories and fresh observations on daily life.
The other day I put out the word that I was close to 1000 visitors a day. Belle took it upon herself to put out the word to her followers that I had a blog that they might want to visit. The Cave of Cool appreciates any effort that gets the word out to the peoples of the blogosphere that we exist. I always believe that if you try us once, you will be back. We have a lot to offer here. I have picked up a few followers as a result of her positive review.
Go here to check out the tribute post Belle created. I think she got to the heart of what makes me very proud of my efforts. Also please check out Belle's stuff. She may be an octopus lover but she is no collaborator. I can always make room in my life for good people like her.
I've enjoyed Belle's comments here. I didn't realize she lived in my part of the world. It's a two hour and change drive from where I am to Kelowna. My older daughter lives there.
Hello Belle!
OMG - Kelowna - the common connection. Who would have thought it. I would say we could all meet there but that city is so tough to get around we would just get lost and never meet.
I have enjoyed Belle's blog for a long time now and consider her part of my blog family.
Or we could meet up in Calgary. It's got a Zoo and a cool Science Center. Kelowna has... The Orchard Park Mall.
Nothing against Kelowna. I'm just sayin'.
Calgary would be good. Stampede time is fun but I would take any excuse to visit that city. I like it there.
My mouth dropped open when I saw a big picture of Me! I should photoshop that thing or else get some botox. Thanks so much Kal for your kind words. Man, it is just so much.
M.D. You are right about Kelowna not having anything big here to see. What we have is natural I guess. A lake, some mountains and...well, that's it.
I can't meet anyone, I have social phobia. I'd end up in the psych ward.
Hi Odie! You are family to me too.
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