Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thank Republican Douchebags - Now Only Bruce Willis Can Save Us


Paradox Al said...


Kal said...

I will check that out more fully. If it's wrong, it's still funny. But if it's true then THAT is the extinction event we will be experiencing in 2012. I do so love a nice juicy conspiracy theory.

Drake said...

They are just sure and smug that Jesus will save them (and only them you people from other countries and heathen amerikans are goners!)so they don't need any asteroid prevention bill.
There's a douchebag in every Republican politician!

Sarah said...

This has GOT to be an Onion article.

But sadly even if it is a satire, it's not far off the truth.

Kal said...

It's funny because it is true.

D.I. Felipe González said...

If the world ends, let's all go to Yucatán.