Thursday, July 7, 2011

He Called It The 'Internets' - I Love This Guy

I know he is only doing it to be hip with the kids but how great was it to see the Prez slip into culturally relevant slang? I swear, there are times that I get mad at him but then there are other times where he gives me a glimpse into that mind of his and I know everything will be okay.

He is laying the foundation for his second term when his re-election will not overshadow all the good he will be free to do. I gotta believe that he 'got this' as he famously said.

All I can say is handle y'all bidness. It's a bidness so do bidness. Oh and please crush the Orange Man, the Turtle and the Jew.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

He probably learned that term from his girls!

Nathan said...

I wonder if he was intentionally mocking his predecessor.