"A distant moon of a distant star. I am lovin' this hangover." - Captain Jack Harkness.
Does everyone heal from their wounds? Mekhi Phifer is brilliant and angry and competent and born to lead. Can he follow and learn and become an even more brilliant and deadly force in service of the planet. I like the way he is smart enough to use the resources around him to get the job done.
To see a weakened Jack is sad. He is scared and broken. He can't die so he never really learned how to live. Now he is forced to. The phone call between Gwen and Jack is very sad and ominous. I loved the way Jack reached out to her and how Gwen had to remind him of reality. Time to grow up Jack.
It's a great mix of talent and skills that makes for a great team. I appreciate learning more about each one of them as time goes on. The really represent and run the gamut of human emotions.

I love the gentle fight for leadership. Jack is smart enough to know that it's best to just let his people do what they do best except for letting Gwen drive in North America.
I am liking the fun the show has with the difference in language between British English and North American English.
Gwen bored with busting heads? Priceless.
I like that the bad guys is a pharmaceutical company. It's just the kind of thing that they would actually do just to increase their profits by a few percentage points.
I love watching the redhead move up the food chain. Lauren Abrose is fantastic as the ultimate evil pharmaseudical rep who seems to be in the exact place she needs to be to make the best deal for her company. Jilly Kitzinger is the kind of evil character that smiles in your face while she's picking your pocket...or stabbing you in the gut.

Ooooo hot and spicey sweet lovin'. I hear heads all over the US South exploding at that man on man love scene. Or the black on latino hetero love scene.
Who would ever give out free drugs? Unless it's to addict everyone. Everyone knows the first hit is free. The drug companies know they are working with a good product.
Hey, Cal, I think you're talking about Episode Three. (title says Two)
Lauren Ambrose was fabulous in Six Feet Under. Glad she's in another hit. I read that the BBC cut out the same-sex scene when that episode aired in Britain. WTF?
You would think that Britain would be all over that man on boy scene.
They would be if this were still BBC Three, but Miracle Day is airing on BBC One.
We're a week behind in the UK. I wouldn't be surprised if the BBC have cut Jack's love scene, but we won't know for certain until this coming Thursday.
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