I can't wait. I was a huge fan of 'Torchwood' when it first came out because it let me into the world of Dr. Who without the burden of all the history attached to the Whoniverse. Since then I realized I had nothing to fear and have been rewarded richly for the time I spent enjoying the adventures of last three Doctors and their companions.
However, now it's time to get back into the world of Captain Jack and Gwen Copper. How great are the parts of the trailer where Gwen is kicking ass or taking down a helicopter with an RPG? Those Welsh girls are the best when hey get all feisty. After Rose, Gwen is my favorite of all the strong female characters that populate the Dr. Who/Torchwood stories.
I wonder how Captain Jack win react when he is no longer special after everyone on the planet becomes as immortal as he is? When you can no longer kill the enemy's soldiers does war become obsolete? What do you do with the people who don't want their suffering to last an eternity. How do you put those who can't die out of their misery? What a terrific premise for a 'Torchwood' story.
I am also overjoyed that this series has moved to STARZ. They really care at that cable network about producing quality programs that also are immensely entertaining. The two 'Spartacus' mini-series are testament to that. The increased budget available to the new 'Torchwood' series will make for some great visual effects that are a must in this kind of tale.
Do anyone know if this series will run on concurrent days like 'Children of the Earth' did or will the story have weekly instalments?

I really enjoyed the BBC series, especially Children of Earth which I think is one of the best Sci-Fi stories on TV or in movies in recent memory. It's going to be good to have Cap'n Jack back on the air.
'Children of Earth' was terrific and very scary for a television show. I feared this was one crisis the Torchwood gand just weren't going to defeat. I also was sad for the loss of some really great characters like Ionto. I loved Gwen's speach about the Doctor not arriving to save the day and how the mini-series ended. The crisis was over but no one was happy about it or left unchanged. My kind of program.
Children of Earth was magnificent. For me it redeemed so many of the sins of the series - what was that "fairy" episode all about? - COE was terrifying, clever and engrossing.
As I understand it this new series will run as a series but with an over-arching single single story... And dear god I'm looking forward to it.
Agreed-- Gwen's speech about why the Doctor must not have come to save us from the 456 is one of the most haunting lines written since RTD brought DW back.
This series will be aired weekly, but Starz will get it a week earlier than BBC.
Also, the new twist to Jack's story will be that HE is the vulnerable one now. When Miracle Day happens, all of humanity becomes immortal but Jack has it stripped away from him.
Please don't die Captain Jack. Please don't die.
When Gwen Cooper loses hope and faith in humanity, it's all over.
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