Monday, July 4, 2011

'Warrior' Trailer

This movie looks like 'Rocky' for the mixed martial arts crowd and I hope that setting the film in that world will produce many exciting moments of fight choreography. The story is so familiar and when you add the family drama and that twinge of patriotism by making the hero a war vet - well then you have something that will either make me cheer or make me puke. On the off chance that cheering is in my future I will give this one a chance. I have a real soft spot for movies about an underdog, not THE 'Underdog' but an actual human underdog.

Thanks again Dez for posting trailers and images from entertainment I find relevant. Hollywood Spy does this kind of reporting just about better than anyone else out there and you should be adding that blog to your blog roll.


DEZMOND said...

thanks for the linky, Kalster ;)

The only problem I have with this film is that it's plot actually promotes one of American favourite ways of solving problems - aggression and fighting. Their heroes always feel that the way to get what they want or to solve their issues is by using fists and guns. When such principles get into the heads of young viewers and general audience you later on get a whole nation which is more than ready to throw bombs and bring war on smaller and poorer nations around the world without even blinking.

DrGoat said...

Well Dez, that's America for you. We're drowning in a sea of ignorance. Didn't used to be that way.
Underdog movie bad. Cartoon Underdog good.

Kal said...

I totally get what you are saying. It was the same way with Rocky 4. Plus anyone can get their fill of MNA whenever they want so the people who know about it are already steep in the MNA culture. I doubt that one movie will tilt things further in the direction on ararchy...well more anarchy than there is now.