Thursday, September 8, 2011

WTF Starring Mittens

He comes up with a jobs plan that has 59 points. 59. Couldn't he have just thought for a minute and added one more bullshit idea to round of the number to a nice 60? Is 59 a special number to the magic underwear crowd?

Can we also provide this man with a teleprompter? His speeches are cringe inducing acts of torture. He gives me the 'willies' and makes me want to dive for the remote in much the same way I do when I see an unfunny comic on the Comedy Channel.

59 point plan. 59.


DrGoat said...

He's as scary as the other candidates. He made his fortune in leveraged buyouts. Gorgon Gecko stuff. Buying companies and driving them into the ground for a profit. His firm started out with investments but soon turned to the more lucrative business of killing jobs and companies for a big profit.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

And the hubris of someone who can make his fortune this way and still thinks he has anything to give the American people but his contempt.

Kelly Sedinger said...

How many of his points are reducible to "Tax cuts on people who make a lot of money"?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

He started out with a 69 point plan but cut 10 points so as to avoid the double entendre.