They make HONEY. Did you know that? Now before you say, "Big deal Cal", I want you to tell me what sweet liquid you had a hand in producing today. Yeh, I thought that would be your answer. All you posers just hating on the bee.

Thanks to Daskaea for sending the following bee related clip.
They may make honey. But I'm fucking terrified of being covered in bees! COVERED IN BEEESSSS!!! AH!
How many times does that actually come up though in one's life - the beard of bees or suit of bees? You may react differently when it really does occur.
I remember seeing Irwin Allen's "The Swarm" on TV many years ago, about the then-imminent Bee Apocalypse brought on by hybrid African/South American bees invading the States. The reality didn't turn out to be so scary, though.
But yeah... honey! And mead! Nectar of the gods...
I loved living through those killer bee days. Sweet times. I even love the Spider-Man villian that is basically a human skeleton covered with bees.
Yeah, bees rock! Bees rule!
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