Friday, October 7, 2011

I Give Up

I have been trying to cut down on all the images I have collected but that is becoming impossible. Everytime I go on Tumblr I find more and more image goodness. Someone suggested that I take a 'Tumblr Holiday'. That is kookie talk. I wonder if I am annoying anyone by posting so many images. I really care what y'all think so drop me a message in the comment section.


Belle said...

I enjoy the images you post. They usually make me smile and feel happy. That is a good gift.

GoblinTown said...

I like 'em, but even if I didn't, I think you should do what makes you happy.

If you feel it might be too pic heavy, some sites that put a lot of pics in a post display the 1st x pics and the rest after you click the topic.

Personally, I like that I can just scroll through your main blog and see everything. Other sites, I go through and pop open a tab for any header that interests me and then go through and check them out.

Either way, The Cave is cool and you seem to like what you are doing, which I think shows, and is part of the reason I keep coming back.

Just an opinion.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I don't like having to click through so I just let it all hang out. Thanks for what you said. It was exactly what I was fishing for.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I don't like having to click through so I just let it all hang out. Thanks for what you said. It was exactly what I was fishing for.

Drake said...

You would annoy me by not posting all your great piccies!

csmith2884 said...

I'm with Drake where else can I get my Superman poop pics?

SamuraiFrog said...

I like all the images, too! It's your blog, so it's your decision, but I say thee yea.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You are right csmith - I AM your Internet Superman Poop Headquarters.

mad photog said...

I like 'em.
However, there's a hell of a lot of 'em.
I see that you used my "leaf 2008" pic in the previous post. Feel free. That was "scanner art"; put the leaf on the scanner & let it rip. Then Photoshop the bejeezus out of it.



mad photog said...

I forgot. I was going to suggest perhaps a regularly scheduled 2- or 3-times a week "image blitz". I was gone from here maybe a little over a day & I come back to a lot of posts & images to wade through.
Had fun doing it, But still a lot.