Sunday, October 23, 2011

Internets, You Hurts My Brain

If you’re sharing a pizza with another person, there’s no need to cut it into precisely equal slices. Make four cuts at equal angles through an arbitrary point and take alternate slices. You’ll both get the same amount of pizza.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm with Bugs.

Kelly Sedinger said...

Ohhhh, don't get me started. I used to work for Pizza Hut. We would cut our large Pan pizzas into twelve slices, and the large Stuffed Crusts into eight slices. I once had a guy complain that this means that a Stuffed Crust is less pizza than a large pan pizza for the same price -- even though I explained to him that they are both 14-inch-diameter pizzas. He would not grasp the point that the only difference was how we cut it, not the size of the pizza. He got pissed when I started to get irritated and said, "Well, I could just not cut the pizza at all, and then you only have one slice." He just threw down his money, grabbed his pizza, and left. I think that when I said that he realized that he was a fucking idiot and didn't want to admit it.

M. D. Jackson said...

Well, that's true, but it is still the stupidest way to cut a pizza that I have ever seen.