Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Obama's Fault That Amanda Knox Was Let Out Of Jail



M. D. Jackson said...

Say whaaa...?

DrGoat said...

Everything is Obama's fault, don't you know.

Anonymous said...

Who is Amanda Knox?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

She rented the rooms on the moon to Elvis and Tupac.

Nomad said...

How? Did he convince the judge that the governments case/evidence was bunk or did he slip Berlusconi some pocket change.

The Flying Dachshund said...

Nice to know the country has become guilty until proven innocent... Just sayin'!! You guys did hear how the Italian police botched the crime scene, right? I'm not really saying she's guilty or innocent here, but I can't believe that they would contaminate a crime scene so horribly as they did... As for Obama... There's an image out there with Bush on it that says, "I F***ed you all, thanks for blaming the black guy"... Pretty much sums up what I think about that...