Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (1994)

Let's just say that this one hit too close to home. The deep sadness of the Monster (Robert DeNiro) just about broke my heart. I listened to him talk about the madness of loneliness and I know of which he speaks.

By sticking closely to Shelly's original novel, Kenneth Branaugh created something of poetic and Gothic beauty. The film is lush and tactile and has aged well. I remember being annoyed with this one the first time I saw it in the theatre but this second go through was very enjoyable. There are scenes of grandeur mixed in with the trappings of exploitative violence. It can be a jarring reality to watch at times.

Helena Bonham Carter is radiant as Elizabeth until...well...she isn't.


Wishbone? WTF?


Belle said...

I'll never forget the night I watched this movie at my sister's place years ago. It does break your heart. I read once that Mary Shelley received many letters from children who read her book and said they felt like the monster. That broke my heart too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never seen this movie but it looks fittingly horrifying. The Wishbone version is probably more my speed!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The Wishbone version is much, much, more terrifying.

M. D. Jackson said...

I'd heard that the movie was dreadful so I didn't go see it. Perhaps I should give it a go now that time has passed.

spiderkev said...

Agreed. This movie as well as Deniro's performance are vastly underrated.