Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Opens This Weekend

If I read one more comment about this movie that compares it (in a bad way) to 'Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots', I will snap. That is EXACTLY why this movie will be cool. This world has found a way to have robots fight each other for entertainment. You have to admit that the trailer looks better than anything Michael Bay has done with his fighting robo movies.

Sure its the worst of all Hollywood storytelling and yes you can see the ending coming from way down the street, but DAMN it will be fun. That arogant champion super robot is going to get his metal butt handed to him. HANDED.

Hugh Jackman? Fagettaboutit! I watched him in the historical Australian outback bore me to death with Nicole Kidman. This one is his gift to me for that one. I accept his gesture and will continue to watch everything he is in.

All is forgiven, buddy.

Now what say you make 'Barrel of Monkeys' - The Movie next.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Actually when I first saw the trailer I was more surprised that Hugh Jackman was actually top billing in a non X-Men movie. He was all over the place after the first X-Men picture but didn't stay with the A Listers after lackluster reception for "Kate & Leopold", "The Fountain" and "Van Helsing". I asked my friend, "Hey, do you remember Hugh Jackman doing anything after X-Men 3?" He said "You mean besides "Wolverine"?" "Oh yeah, completely forgot about that."

Maybe now that the X-Titles have more or less rebooted this will be a comeback round for Jackman as well as his character in the film.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The FOUNTAIN was amazing. I love that movie. It's like watching a poem.

And for all the crap he gets for WOLVERINE you have to admit that he did that character justice. He captured everything that I like about Wolvering and Logan.

"Does it hurt when they do that?"


M. D. Jackson said...

When I saw the trailer for this I thought it was a big screen re-write of Richard Matheson's classic 'STEEL' episode of The Twilight Zone.