Sunday, October 16, 2011

You Have One Week

I am getting pretty sick of producing sweet blog for bumpkiss. THIS is the reaction I engender from my brethren and fellow great unwashed? Well that sucks.

I know the world is in revolt and no one can decide what they are revolting against. Some are just revolting. Just another stupid ass distraction from the real issues and problems. We are all dupes and suckers and we need us a good ass Thunderdome or the fine management style of the Lord Humungous to sweep through middle America and the deep south in a campaign of fire and death.

Once we tighten up that gene pool through armed combat to the death, things will start to turn around. There at least will be the PERCEPTION that someone is putting some effort into fixing things.

I like to think that we here at 'Cave of Cool Inc.' have used our brand to bring some joy and madness to your life inside this matrix we laughable call a civilization. You have also gotten spoiled and I find myself hating you. Not you as a person but you collectively. You are beautiful but that also makes you selfish - again, I miss this collectively.

I am prolific but not onerously so. I plan well and I have a finely honed system around here that allows for both written pieces, reviews, humorous observations on popular culture, recognition of the beauty visible in all things and endless variations - in short, all the things we all love.

I have tried to talk in interesting ways about things I am interested in in the hopes that some of you would share your thoughts with me about these interests that we share. I realized tonight that NO ONE talked 'Walking Dead' with me before tonight's premiere. I know. SHAME SHAME SHAME

I seem to meet some great people and then lose them as quickly as I found and connected with them. For those few of you who correspond with me on a regular basis and take the time to comment on my stuff, well, I can't give you anything more than my unlimited love. You are my people. I feel shame that I wish there were more of you that 'got me' enough to want to interact with me. I feel ashamed to even feel this way. So SHAME SHAME SHAME on me too.

Do you know that absolutely NO ONE that I grew up with or knew before the Internet is a follower of my blog or comments on anything I post about, ever. It's like I never ever really existed and without this record of me, my footprint on this world would be slight.

I feel like a joke on Facebook. I want to disable the ability for ANYONE to be able to leave comments on my blog. I am sick about caring. I can't seem to reduce my image files without adding to them at the same time that I am culling them.

I want friends to hang out with who don't care if I am there but notice when I am not. I would like to think I would be fun to be around in real life. I suspect I am not and that I smell like a cream soup.

I really need a nice pair of comfy slippers.

This week - crazy South African tomato hating doctor on Monday and Mr All Business no comfort or entertainment Dentist on Tuesday who uses the word 'sedation' but never lets me have it. I do love his hygienist. She is an angel.

I will try to eat less carbs this week. I hate that bread with sprouts and mayo and cheese and deli meat is some kind of a crime around here. Why can't I enjoy that with a nice pickle and a bowl of tomato soup without someone in the tabloids losing their freakin' mind?

I think Optimus Prime is the greatest of all the Transformers. I like the new cartoon because they found a way to make Megatron a multidimensional bad guy with some nobility to him. He is still an arrogant prick who I don't trust for a second not to fuck everyone the first chance he gets, but I love his 'Dr Doom' like personal. He is regal and interesting.

I get Prime's burden. He's the one chosen to do the heavy lifting and make the tough calls. He is a character of great bravery and heart. I hope this battle with Unicron goes well but I know that it will not.

The end is near. Beware the Curse of the Frozen Monkey.

I love you. Bye Bye.


M. D. Jackson said...

Oh no. Not the Curse of the Frozen Monkey!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Laugh now.

Sam G said...

I was on Facebook for all about 2 months. I dunno what I was thinking. Sorry I haven't been able to post too many is kind of a drag right now. :(

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I find on my own blog that about 10% of the number who are ostensibly following the blog are actually following and leaving comments at any given time. That's just life, man. People get busy and have short attention spans. Or they don't like to leave comments. Whatever! You must blog for yourself.

Anonymous said...

We totally notice when you're not there.

Drake said...

I was going to shut down my blogs/tumblrs and such because of the "alone in a crowd" feeling i get being here, i can post every day over at the E Banana and get not one comment but i expect that. Cal you are not Charlie Brown i am, you are loved by many many people in this crazy blogverse...something which i wish i had.
Stay amigo.

Margaret Benbow said...

There are many people out there who follow your blog, who admire it (you're astoundingly creative, and that is not BS) and often think over your posts, but who happen not to leave comments often. And I have to ask: do you often comment on other blogs?

Wings1295 said...

Cal, I don't know what to say that I haven't said before. Do it for yourself. You know I had a similar bout of 'wtf' last week, but I let it pass. Nothing to get over the top about. Heck, I have been posting every day this month, but the comments show only a very scarce few give a damn. Simply put, people follow and then forget. And those that do follow, for real, don't have time to comment on everything all the time. Fact of life, really.

Want to chat? Drop me and email, or comment on my stuff, or hit me up on Facebook. I am out there, and you are allowed to make the first move, too, you know. You are a very cool guy and just need to be confident in that and move forward. Your friends man, we are here!

DrGoat said...

As the old geezer of your peanut gallery, I've got to say, I think Debra has a point. Besides, only about 1 out of 1000 people here in the US is even capable of putting a thought down in writing. They're too busy watching Dancing with the Stars or some other imbecilic TV show. As your attorney, I'd say you are doing very well. Fuck Facebook.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks everyone. I know all this of course. Just blowing off steam. It's the change in the weather. Preparing for the cold to come but looking forwards to it as well. Let's call it fall cleaning. Time to bring out the metaphorical mittens.

csmith2884 said...

Dr Goat made me spray my coffee...but he's right. Less worries about those who don't get it and more chat with those who do. Now I need to find time to watch Walking Dead I forgot it was back.

Unknown said...

I sort of blog to an emptiness. I have a lot of people who are my actual friends who read it but never ever comment. I've only made a handful of good online friends and they only infrequently comment. I have to admit it fluctuates for me. Sometimes I comment on others' blogs obsessively. Sometimes I go for long stretches of silence, just reading it on google reader. You are lucky, you seem to have a very active community actually. I'm pretty jealous. I always wanted to be internet famous!

Unknown said...

PS @Drake, I follow Eclectic Banana on tumblr! I love it. I read it in my google reader. Tumblr isn't a great community for interactive comments however, I've found. You have to have Disqus and I don't have that. I should probably put it on there.

Unknown said...

Okay, I had to read it a couple more times and I realized you are saying immenant shut down?! Don't cut me off, smalls. I need your awesomeness! Don't get down from the haters!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I was just making balloon juice Daskaea. I need this as much for my own sanity than any other reason so I can't stop. Glad to have you part of our little frozen community. I appreciate your contributions as I do from all my other 'irregulars'.

Unknown said...

Praise be! I was going to set up a formal protest.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I would be open to a small media 'event'. Those 'occupy' kids needs someplace for all their misplaced energy. 'Save the Cave' tshirts don't just print themselves ya know.

profsafety said...

Love the blog! Just now signed up so I can leve comments. Thank you for sharing so much great art/culture! Hits me right in the bread basket, love it!