Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Again With The Eternal Cheeseburgers

Melanie Hesketh, from Windsor, Ontario, has a McDonald’s cheeseburger sitting on her kitchen counter. It looks as good as new, except that it’s been there for a year. That’s right, a whole year. Nope, no mould, no fungi, no maggots. Apparently, even bacteria won’t eat the food that millions of people around the world queue up for, each day. According to Melanie, who is a professional nutritionist at Windsor’s Lifetime Wellness Center, the meat patty has just shrunk a little but otherwise looks edible. It has a faint but lingering greasy, leathery odor, and still smells slightly like a burger. Her trick has worked pretty well. The sight of the burger in their kitchen every single day has helped her kids cut back on their intake of fast food. In fact, her oldest son has visited McDonald’s maybe only twice in the past year, in spite of growing peer pressure.



Budd said...

That does not look good as new. do not want. that thing looks disgusting.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The cheese does look a little hinky if I can be honest with you.

Daisy said...

Um, I Cannot Has Cheezburger.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

No, you do not WANT Cheeseburger

Kelly Sedinger said...

I'm sure there's some good science to be done here! There are probably some kind of preservatives in the products, but also, the constituent food items have been cooked and heated, which means that (a) large amounts of any original bacteria on them were already killed, and (b) the food was already partially dried, which means that it's not a long journey to what this essentially is: Cheeseburger Jerky!

(Which, as much as I love cheeseburgers AND jerky, still sounds friggin' gross.)

Montag said...

All this may be explained by the simple fact that the cheese had melted into a likeness of the face of Jesus... just tell her to lift the bloody bun.