Monday, January 9, 2012

Perfect Vehicle For The Zombie Apocalypse

Because after a long day of bashing the undead I really enjoy an icy cool treat.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

I followed you over from Alex's blog. I don't blame you about the ice cream truck. But I am a rare blood courier -- and our blood drive buses with beds, equipment to transfuse blood, coolers with cold drinks, and refrigerators stocked with food -- they are MY idea of a Zombie Apocalypse Vehicle! LOL. Roland

Unknown said...

I would like a John Madden's Tour Bus to be my transport in the Zombie Waste land....with heavy armor and weapons added. : )

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You both have made me expect more from my apocalypse vehicles. I can put a cooler in anything.

Welcome to the Cave, Roland.