Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quote Of The Day


Pat Tillett said...

Tell it like it is....

Belle said...

I agree.

Budd said...

the man has a point. Attacking the classroom is the wrong place. In order to push creationism as science, you would need to attack it at the heart of the scientific community. But creationism is theology.

God built the universe using what we call science. The study of science is nothing but the study of the system that God used for creation. All of the original scientist were educated in the church and saw no contridiction in what they observed and their faith.

"Christians" that attack science have weak faith. My God is big enough to encompass science. Their's apparently is not.

The evolution thing is the current working theory. They haven't proved or disproved it. It seems to explain some things so should be explored. But, let us not forget that Ptolemy had a model of the solar system that also seemed to explain some things. But why can't we have an honest discussion about evolution without involving theology.