Monday, January 9, 2012

Somebody Is Gonna Get Sued


Punk Chopsticks said...

I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes!!! WTH is wrong with Hobbes bacon? (But at least you have to give them credit for putting bacon in the title)

Btw Cal, Calcalcalcal, I'D LOVE TO BE YOUR FRIEND! Friend inaguration pleaese. And I didn't delete your comments! I swear! The new comment system malfunctioned (It did that twice already) and all of the previous ones posted using the new system were erased. Trust me, I'm pissed.

And thanks for all the lovely comments! I wish we could meet up!!! I really do! Why can't you come to Malaysia???

Bersercules said...

So did Calvin marry Suzie?

Unknown said...

This very cute and am guessing Calvin married Suzie?

csmith2884 said...

If that is #205 I want to see the rest. Very cool.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Very awesome!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They should call it "Hobbes: NexGen"

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I'd love to come to Malaysia but I fear that as a Tundra polar bear that the humidity would kill me. We will meet up on day PC, my friend.

I like the way that Hobbes gets the top billing and it's a perfect continuation of the comic strip. He is still as sweet as he ever was and it would be great seeing him hanging around an imaginative little girl.

Misha Gerrick said...

That's so awesome! I'd love to see some more of these. :-)

Katie said...

Pants are Overrated was a one joke comic but the Hobbes and Bacon strip was so popular that they did do 3 others.

Sadly, they couldn't afford to go on making the comic full time and it is no more. Which sucks. It was really funny.

Katie said...

Ugh. I have no grasp of language today. By one joke comic I meant a non-continuous thread. Here's a link to their archive it you're interested.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Damn, that makes this the 'Firefly' of comic strips. Thanks for the tip. I will post the others.

Belle said...

Love Calvin and Hobbes and this one of him as an adult is great.

JBond said...

Bacon: "What should we do today, Hobbes?"

Hobbes:"We could hunt some buffalo. I haven't had buffalo in years. My tummy's all tender now that there's no buffalo around the house."

Great! Great find!! Thanks for the rest of the links everybody. Made my morning.