SOTU: Word cloud created using the transcript of President Obama’s State of the Union address, “An America Built to Last.”
American, Jobs.
How can anyone listen to that State of the Union Address and tell me with a straight face that President Obama is the enemy that the right make him out to be. He loves America so much it hurts. Please, America, let him be great and he will drag each and everyone out of the hole that you are in. Fight back against those who do not have your best interests at heart.
I am sad for those who don't see it as I do. I like to think I have a unique perspective on your situation. All my life I have been following your politics and government and I have seen it work. Sometimes you are your own worst enemies.
Oh and how much of a total bitch slap was it for President Obama to include with his great speech, another successful rescue mission by the mythical SEAL Team 6? That rumble you hear is the whole country shifting behind this man. I would love to know the real story behind that gang and their missions. That is intensity in ten cities. That ain't no video game.

he is all rhetoric. If he is for jobs, why did he stop the oil pipeline that would have created thousands. He supports a federal reserve that keeps interest rates artificially low so that hard working Americans that don't want to gamble on the stock market can't get any interest on their savings. He wants to raise the tax rate on the richest Americans to 30% while continuing to increase spending. While raising taxes on them sounds like it would cover that, it wouldn't get us anywhere near to even balancing the current budget. The fed keeps printing money though and sending it overseas, making all American's poorer as the value of the dollar goes down with all this additional money in circulation.
It is not the governments job to create jobs unless you are in a communist system. People in the US are scared right now because they are in debt and their government is even deeper in debt.
But, yeah, Obama is right. Lets raise taxes on the rich a little so it looks like we are addressing the debt, then raise the debt limit so that we can go much deeper into debt, and then spend like crazy on social programs so people don't realize that the rug is about to be pulled out from under them and the house of cards collapse.
For the record, I make an average income, have no debt, and can't afford a house where I live. I have money in the bank that makes about .1% interest due to them supposedly keeping rates low so people can afford houses while also keeping rates low so they can't save a down payment. I haven't had a raise since I started my job and the value of what I bring home is less than the year before.
Obama, Romeny, Gingrich, they are all on the same team with the same goals. They don't care about the American people, they care about their campaigns and easing the way for their corporate buddies.
I can afford the luxury of hope when the outcome doesn't really affect me. I can understand your side of things. The monied interests are giving you all the screwgie.
I have issues with Obama, mostly in how he caves on pretty much everything, to the point where I have to wonder how much he's actually devoted to the stuff he says. Most of the attacks on him, though, are about stuff that isn't even true. I don't know who this secret Kenyan Muslim Marxist socialist is, but he's certainly not the guy in the White House. It's strange that I, who will almost certainly vote for Obama this year, can find more ACTUAL things I don't like about him than the Republican candidates can.
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