Tuesday, May 8, 2012

North Carolina Can Kiss My Ass

Fucking Hillbillies vote their ignorance all over again. So you have voted down same sex marriage and civil unions - do you feel better now? Do you feel more powerful to have used your vote to deny rights to others - rights that take nothing away from you?

Congratulations North Carolina. I think we have found the location to build our state sized Thunderdome. First though we have to bomb and pave it to prepare for construction. I swear if the vote was for the reintroduction of slavey these crackers would happily put their neighbors into bondage. Way to be on the wrong side of history once again.

BTW - North Carolina is the 30th state to ban gay marriage. I can still marry my cousin in NC, just not my gay cousin. God bless you America for setting me straight...so to speak.


Ruth said...

The only way it can be banned in Iowa is by constitutional amendment since our state supreme court said a law was unconstitutional. A few years ago, I think people would have cared. Now, I think people here realize it is not that big of a deal.
I don't know why people have to judge people and use religion to do so. Especially since the Ten Commandment says Thou Shalt Not Judge.

Anonymous said...

"North Carolina Can Kiss My Ass"?
"Redneck hillbillies"?
Bumped off my favorites.
Enough of your stupid Canadian libretard politics BS.

Tempo said...

Come on Cal, tell us what you really think...
With it's strong religious background it's no wonder most Americans still think they have to vote against this to be good Christians.
Although I'm heterosexual I'm personally FOR gay marriage..
Gay Marriage has still not been legalized in Australia although many gays have had civil ceremonies and live as married. Every time gay marriage looks like being allowed some radical Christian group will pressure the right people to see it quashed.. This may take a while.

Skullmeat said...

Light and airy or political ,not both.Its jarring to run across such posts and insulting...good day sir

Wings1295 said...

Don't listen to the negative commenters, Cal. Ignore the ignorant!

Sad that NC passed this. Just have to hope things change down the road.

Glad I live in the state I do.

Anonymous said...

i think there is a lot of pushing of agendas on both ends....so to speak. At least this is America and as a republic we vote in our state leaders based on the public----either way it will take time as the south is the Bible belt and very conservative. dan murray usa--where is my more kate beckinsale?

Wildhermit said...

A bit blunt there...

As a resident of NC I can tell you quite honestly that I could care less for or against the bill. But if the majority of the state was against it, then the minority will have to deal with it.

"... bomb and pave it..."
I think Fort Bragg, probably the most active Military base in America may have a problem with that.

"... reintroduction of slavery these crackers..."
So your stance against hate is more hate? How does this help? I am a white male in Fort Bragg NC, and in the minority. The "crackers" do not have the numbers to pass that vote :P

I have to say, love your site, but this post was a wee bit harsh. We are all entitled to our opinions though.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am glad that it too a bit of a rant to bring the wormy comments out of the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

Cal, I agree, I love your site but this is a bit harsh....even from you---chill out...at least it is just on paper and not a bullet to the head like an Islamic country...the south is a little different in the USA..DAN

Ricky Shambles said...

Maybe it's because I'm a compassionate, godless liberal and write like this all the time, but I was not shaken. Yay Cal!

Ignore the goonerie. Anyone who will toss you to the side for having an opinion about the world is pure vapidity.

For me, first thing I did this morning was tweet the following:

Congrats to NC for going state-wide #bigot on #GayBan. First in Flight? Motto should read: "Modern Like the Telegraph." #ncpol #p2

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with liberal thought...always with the negative waves if you do not agree...how about having a constructive conversation not a smackdown...at least, as stated before, in America, we can talk about our views and we are not subject to Sharia law....(bullet to the head)look at the larger picture and ignore the state vote as they have as differnet a world view as a foreign country...dan

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

There is no way to have a construction conversation with a bigot. I apologize for my extreme bigotry against bigotry. I hope my outrage drowns out any bullshit arguements that can even try to justify why this law is a good things.

I am also ammused that the same arguements against gay marriage were also made about civil rights, votes for women or any law that evens the playing field between the minority and the majority.

Wildhermit said...

Does appear to be a double standard.

I for one, in my previous post never attempted an attack. I was merely expressing my view on why I like the site.

Obviously being from NC I disagree with Calvin, but he is entitled to his opinion and there is nothing I can do or should do about it.

Religion & Politics always bring out the worst in people... If this blog were primarily about either I would not frequent. Whether that is the way I think or the opposing view, I find those conversations always turn sour.

Calvin... I said it before and I say it again. I find your blog highly entertaining and will keep on reading. As a regular "lurker" i just wanted to show that the whole state of NC is not as bad as you think. Ignorant people are everywhere... on various sides of all issues.

Budd said...

as a state they have the right to pass this legislation. It was done with a popular vote, so it is what a majority of the people want. They aren't even saying go be gay somewhere else, but they are saying if you decide to be gay here don't expect to get married. Not saying I agree or disagree but that legally it was done in a way that reflects what the people of that state wanted and falls under the 10th amendment.

My personal religious beliefs would discourage me from taking part in homosexuality, but who am I to say what other people are to believe. So yes, it is my opinion that it is wrong, but it is only my opinion and there are many other things that I believe are wrong. Until I become dictator of the world my opinion counts for naught. Even my opinion counts that I think it wrong for a guy to marry a guy. I might also think it wrong for Selena Gomez to be dating Justin Beiber, but people must be able to choose to do things that they want and deal with those consequences. Many people probably think it is wrong that I married a Korean. I am glad that their opinion counted as little as mine does now.

If NC banned interacial marriage, I would simply not choose to move there and if I lived there, I would likely move away. Their loss. I probably am not going to stick around a place that I am not wanted.

Ricky Shambles said...

Most recent Anon...

Constructive conversations do not begin with blanket phrases like "liberal thought." I'm certain I do not fit in your box. And funny you should mention Sharia law, as using religious doctrine to govern legal standards is exactly what NC just did.

Everyone else...

Sorry, don't mean to come across as a jerk. This is Cal's place. Laws that limit and discriminate fire me up. Feel free to direct stone throwing at my house.

Anonymous said...

Cal I understand your outrage, but your attempt to drown out the bigot sounds like Occupy groups...all noise and no direction....try to win the bigot with love, patience and facts...eventually even Malcom X and Archie Bunker saw the light---release the hate....win them with kindness...thier religious bigoty is misguided.

Anonymous said...

where is my kate beckinsale?

Brian said...

Being from NC, I completely agree with you Cal. I wish we could get past the ignorant, intolerant mind-set that got knucledraggers like Jesse Helms repeatedly voted into office.

Bersercules said...

Right on Cal! I agree with you! They cetianly are being dumbasses! (yay for gay marrage in Canada!)

I like your response to the dumbass with the opinion that what you said was liberal thought (and not just common sense!) How do you have a constructive conversation with someone who has nothing constructive to say! Some people think they have opinions but just have bad additutes!

Glad to see you taking a stance!

@the Anonymous person that posted at 7;31am on may 9th the Occupy groups have no "direction" cause they are many groups who want different things, and also the people they are protesting have said if they found out how the leaders of the movement were they would slander and villify them! So any leaders cant't come forward! But if your informed enough, its pretty obvious what things the Occupy movement wants.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I totally agree with you about the Occupy leaders being villified. Look at the way the right has spun the one year anniversary of Bin Laden's death. They like what President Obama did, just not his victory lap. Of course it is nothing compared to George Bush and the way he accomplished the mission in Iraq. The big sign behind him on the aircraft carrier was in no way political or self serving.

csmith2884 said...

I'm a compassionate, godless liberal +1 from me.

And, it's your cat box, you bury the turds where you like.

Sarah said...

Nothing like a polarizing issue to bring out the commenters!

This saddened and angered me too.

I understand the terrible tyranny of the majority, and if the majority wants something, then the minority must live with it. That's how our democracy was set up.

BUT...when the law is not understood properly by the voting public, is the majority truly making their voice heard? or would the true majority have voted differently if the amendment had been better understood?

(I read that almost a third of voters didn't fully understand what they were voting on. To me, that's a BIG problem!)

And Cal, you made a GREAT point when you talked about many of these arguments against allowing marriage amongst any two consenting adults were used in defense of not allowing non-white or non-male citizens to vote as well.

Thankfully, history at least shows us that in those cases the majority that prevailed in the end was for common sense and decency.

"No state shall...deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
--US Constitution

Wildhermit said...

@ Sarah - Solid point there. There was a ton of confusion about what voting for or against actually meant. The "water cooler" conversations at work were all about that very topic and people were still confused.

However... The way most of our laws, amendments, bills, etc... are Written and packaged I think the voting public is almost always in the dark. This issue was just more so.

A lot of local churchs were even making it the sermon of the week. I am not bashing Christians, I am one, but thankfully my pastor chose not to, and kept the politics out.

A lot of people that I know are against gay marriage. Personally, I am not gay, but what you do is your own choice. I can not complain any more about a gay marriage than I can about two people getting "hitched" because there is a kid on the way. All sorts of "sins" are overlooked... Only the political ones make these kind of waves.

csmith2884 said...

wildhermit said "A lot of local churchs were even making it the sermon of the week. I am not bashing Christians, I am one, but thankfully my pastor chose not to, and kept the politics out."

Bless your pastor, that always burned my butt about church and work. Two places someone of authority should not tell you how to vote.

libraryguy said...

Nice site I stumbled on to until I caught on that your politics basically sucks. Plus you are an insulting, rude dick head too. I am outa here for good.