Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This Could Be The Saddest Image I Have Ever Seen

When your co-workers put out a spread like this for you, you know you are loved, Kirk Cameron. Is that drink for everyone or has someone already laid claim to it?

The planning for this event took NO effort aside from someone picking up the cake from the bakery section of the Piggly Wiggly while the Subway next door made you a small selection of assorted 12 inch subs.

It also looks like someone sprung for a couple of bowls of them fancy cheeses - the same ones that the production girl gave the director last Christmas. He just happened to have them in the back of his office's mini-fridge.

I am glad someone got a picture of this. Is that a heavenly halo around his head or are we getting some reflection off the camera phone?

Where are the napkins? I know they were told to include lots of napkins in the bag.

Is the cake even personalized? I hope this was a milestone birthday - like 40 years old. That is the special one you want remembered this way.

There are NO gifts. I hope that is just a personal policy followed with everyone's birthday.

Is there any chance that Kirk Cameron even UNDERSTANDS how pathetic this looks?

The true irony is that if he had even ONE gay friend, he would have had streamers and balloons and maybe even something personalized on a blazer. I can only have pity for you Kirk Cameron.

I can do this ALL afternoon, people. Come back throughout the day to see if I have added some more. Feel free to join the mocking in the comment section. This kind of sweet karma doesn't come around everyday, ya know?

Thanks to Erik who sent me this one. My people know just what I like and how to inspire the voodoo that I do.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahahaha, you're good. I don't feel sorry for that homophobic prick, not one little bit.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

As my Baba would say... "That's what you get."

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I wonder what he's thinking right now?

"Hm. I wonder what Leonardo DiCaprio is doing right now. Maybe I check up on him since we were both on that Growing Pains show together. Nah. Nothing good could come from talking to him. He would just drag me down."

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Leo is also a godless hethen whose sinful lifestyle has brought him nothing but ruin. Kirk always has that realization to keep him warm at night.

csmith2884 said...

Can't do much planning ahead when you expect the rapture to happen any moment.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

it IS kinda sad, ain't it? i mean, i thought my recent 40th birthday was mildly... lackluster in a lot of ways. Now I truly feel "blessed"! It's okay to be small Cameron! The variations possible involving the biology of one's sexuality are astounding- i never understood where religion fit in to the whole scenario.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

People whose belief systems are on shakey grounds need outsiders to hate in order to keep control of their followers.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, you're gettin' all profound on us now, Cal!

LOL @ all other commenters! Funny comments!

Pat Tillett said...

The girl leaning on the door frame, totally looks like she'd rather be someplace else. ANYPLACE else...