Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When It Happens I Will Say "I Told You So".

The Federal Aviation Administration announced Monday that law enforcement agencies will be given authorization to fly unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), more commonly known as drones, for training, but agencies must demonstrate proficiency before they are granted an operational permit.

If you remember, this is the exact way that SKYNET kicked our ass - using robots, flying robots.

Technology perfected in the desert will now be coming to a inner city neighborhood near you. Who ever thought that these weapons would be used against the American people once the Military Industrial Complex ran out of foreign bogeymen to drop their bombs on?

Are these things really providing security or taking it away? It's such a slippery slope when you have weapons like these available to law enforcement. What happens when young street protesters push to strongly against the police during a occupy 'event'? What keeps someone high up from pressing the button on those 'enemies from within'?

Frankly I don't care. I don't live in an crazy nation made crazier by it's paranoia. it's bible and it's bigotry. I just enjoy imagining all the damage some hacker kid with a joystick and a package of Slim Jims can do on a three day Mountain Dew bender.

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