Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 Days And 12 Hours Or So Hours To Go

I just found this very sweet Oscar Goldman with Exploding Briefcase on EBay and I am currently the high bidder. I won't pay more than twenty dollars for him because he doesn't come with the box. That means I will probably get poached before the auction is over by some other savvy collector.



Hobgoblin238 said...

I hate those poachers. What I hate WORST of all is the buttholes that bid on stuff or go to yard sales to find stuff to SELL at a higher price. They are not collectors like myself.

Kal said...

I usually don't go to Ebay anymore for that very reason. There are no good deals all that often anymore. People are getting too hip.

Jaclyn said...

Good luck!! Hope you get it :) Ebay can be stressful, no?? lol

Brothermidnight said...

I need this guy , thanks for pointing him out. Off to ebay I go.

Kal said...

Brothermidnight - you will be burning in Hell if you poach me. It's actually the 11th Commandment - 'Thy Shalt Not Poach On EBay'.

I hate Ebay Jax, I just want the toy, not to get involved in some blood feud because I was denied something I desired. It's a sickness really.

Brothermidnight said...

oh Im no not going for the same one, that would have just been plain nasty.Iv got my eye on a nude one and Ill work my way up from there.

Kal said...

All is fair in love and Ebay my brother.

Jordan said...

Kal, I think I showed you these before:

Kal said...

Oh those are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I would be happy to blow those up, along with your house and car, Cal.

Kal said...

Stop trying to romance me.